
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jesus is the Chosen One

Verses: Luke 9 : 28 - 36

My thoughts about the verses:

How many of us can identify with Peter?  Imagine you are up on the mountain with Jesus.  You are very sleepy but out of the blue you see this miracle happen.  You see Jesus shining brightly.  Then you see the prophets of old standing with Jesus.  In your state of awe you immediately say that how wonderful it is for us to be here.  Let us build a shelter for each one of you.  You can't see how this would be bad. Haven't we all read about the prophets.  This is a fulfillment of the promise that the prophets would come back announcing the Messiah.

You can see the shock that overcomes Peter when he is reprimanded by God.  Simply that he should recognize that Jesus is the true chosen one that deserves to be worshiped.  Not those from the old because they were just preparing the way.  That the very one that they had walked with was the one that should be put ahead of others.  There was no need to build a shrine to the prophets but rather to raise a temple for the Messiah.

How many times in our life have we jumped to do something without thinking it all the way through. We think we are doing the right thing at the very moment.  We move forward with our plan only to realize that we should have thought things completely through.  We jump before planning things out completely.  Then we realize that we cannot accomplish what we have already promised everyone that we would do.  We discover that it will take more than the resources we have at hand.  Our hearts were in the right place.  Yet, we jumped to a conclusion and we are put in our place because we cannot accomplish what we promised.

Now does this mean that we should avoid doing things spontaneously.  No there are times that we can make a quick decision and accomplish great things.  Think back to that moment when Peter left the boat to follow God.  He didn't know what would happen later but he knew that it was the right thing to do he didn't have to have a total plan all he had to do was follow Jesus and all would work out.  Yet, there are times that we have to work through the major details before we can move forward.  Sometimes making changes and not thinking it through can discourage others.  You have to weigh the outcomes and determine if this happens how it will affect others.

Does this mean that we will always be able to work out all the details.  No again we do not know how everyone will respond to a decision that has been made.  Yet, if we make a change with a God centered focus we can accomplish great things.  It doesn't mean that all will agree but it will reach those that God needed us to reach.

The lesson that occurred on the mountain that day was to put God first.  Not to focus on our own reward but rather furthering the Realm of God.  If God is the center of our praise we will have the strength we need to accomplish what needs to be done.  If we let God work through the details we can get what is needed accomplished.  We need to pray to God for assistance before we jump to conclusions.  When we do it on our own there is always the chance that we turn people away that needs to hear the word.  Yet, if we allow God to work through us we will reach those that God wants us to reach.  We will bring praise to the one that has saved us through his death.  The Messiah will guide us and lead us where we need to be as long as we put God in the center and not as the last resort.  Remember to always take that second and ask God if this is what is needed.  If we truly trust God for the answers we will not be alone as the plan works its way out.


Thank you for loving us.  Thank you for sending the Messiah so that we can be made whole. Help us keep you in the center of our life.  Help us turn to you when we make decisions that may affect others. Work through us so that people may find you.  Dear Messiah we ask you to lead us and guide us as we go into the world spreading the Good News.  In the name of the Chosen One we pray.  Amen


Do you ask God to help you make decisions that affect others?  Are you quick to act without thinking through how to accomplish things?  When is the last time that you asked God to help you reach others?

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