
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Our Responsibility to the Holy One

Verses:  Ecclesiastes 12:9-14

My thoughts about the verses:

In everything that we do we have certain responsibilities.  When we have children we have the responsibility to make sure they are fed, clothed and have a place to sleep. We have to ensure that they get their immunizations and go to school.  We have the responsibility as Christians to raise them up in the knowledge of God’s love for them.  We are entrusted with a special gift with God.

Many of us would do anything to protect the little ones that God has placed in our life.  We understand our responsibility to ensure that they grow up in a loving home.  We make sure that they are safe and healthy.  It doesn’t matter if you have personally had a child or have nieces, nephews, step-children, foster children, or adopted children you know the responsibility that you play in their life.  Many of us would do anything for these special gifts that we have been entrusted with.

Imagine being having to choose to allow your child to die so others could live.  We hear stories of children that have died tragically and are so admired by other parents for their selfless act of allowing their organs to go to kids which are need of transplants to live.  We can only imagine the strength that it would take for that parent to accept their child’s death and then help other parents so they would not have to go through the same pain. 

God did the same thing for the beloved creation.  God so loved us that the son came to give us all the gift of redemption.  The son bled, died and arose from the grave so those that would believe would be made free.  The blood of the perfect Lamb of God covers any and all trespasses that the beloved creation has or would ever make. 

Jesus’s gift is free.  Though the gift is free there are certain responsibilities that we are expected to do.  First, we must come to the conclusion that we cannot live without accepting Jesus into our life.  We need to ask Jesus to come into our life.  We must turn over our trespasses to the one that will forever take them away.  This first responsibility leads to others.  Yet, this is the most important that we can ever make.  Think on this our first responsibility is to give our life to God so that we may live with a New Life.

The second responsibility that we have involves the worship of God.  We are to take time to study the Word of God.  We need to take the time to thank God for the gift of everlasting life.  We need to thank God for the many things that happen to us each and every day.  We also need to lift up our voice in prayer to God.  God loves us and we through our worship return that love to God.  The more that we study the closer we draw to God.  This second responsibility leads us to a closer relationship with the One that has given us New Life.  When you fully live your life obeying this responsibility we learn more about the responsibility that we have for others.

The third responsibility that we have involves sharing the Good News with others.  Through our life example others are able to come and accept the same gift that we have been given.  We are to live a life that brings great honor to God.   We need to share our testimony of how God has made us whole.  We need to show others the love that God has shown us.  We need to be a representation of peace and love to all that we come in contact with.  This responsibility returns the love that we have for God.  We show how much we love God when we share our story to others. 


We praise you God for your enduring love.  We thank you for your gift of everlasting life.  We offer our life up to you in endless worship.  Help us lead a life that brings honor to your name.  We ask that you take away all the sins that we have and will do.  Help us Dear God be a beacon of light for all those around us.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you asked God in your life?  Do you worship and praise the Holy One?  Do you study and mediate the Word of God?  Do you live a life that is an example of God’s love?