
Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Beginning of Our Salvation

Verses: Luke 23 : 44 - 49

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus is on the cross close to the end of his  Earthly life.  In that last breath he tells God that he is commending his spirit to go to God.   This may be the end of Jesus's life yet it is the beginning of our life.  Because of this perfect sacrifice we were giving everlasting life.

See what you have to understand that for us to have the blessing of everlasting life a sacrifice had to be made.  The sacrifice had to be one that was out blemishes.  Jesus was just that sacrifice.

At his death there were already people that realized that they had killed their Messiah.  Even the centurion praised God and commanded that Jesus had done nothing wrong.  The crowds were so overtaken that they went into a deep mourning.

His own followers that witnessed it were in shock.  They were overcome with the death of their Messiah.  They knew who Jesus was.  They had witnessed miracles.  They were following their Savior.  Yet, on this day they stood on the edges of the crowd as they watched their Messiah die.

We may not have been there physically.  Yet, this death has impacted us.  We might as well been right there with the crowd.  For the death was for us also.  Jesus giving his life back to God gave us the gift of everlasting life.  It was through this death that we are free.

Some people try to say that only certain people can be saved by this death.  Yet, I tell you right now that this is not true.  You have to understand that Jesus died for all.  Not for a select few that teach certain doctrines.  Jesus died for all that would accept him as their Savior.  No one can change this for that do not have the power over Jesus.

If you remember Jesus preached to those that were on the outskirts of society.  Not the popular ones.  Not the ones that thought they had sinned.  Instead Jesus died for the ones that no one else would talk to.  He saw them as needing the gift of salvation.  So when you hear someone say that your lifestyle excludes you from the grace of God I want you to remember that you are loved.  Simply look them in the face and say Jesus died for me as much as he died for you.  You put him on the cross.  I put him on the cross.  His death was for both of us.


Dear God thank you for love.  Jesus we praise you for your love.  Help us accept your love into our life.  Help us never forget that you died because of our sins.  Help us never exclude people that desire to accept your salvation.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted your role in the death of Christ?  Have you accepted God in your life?  Have you ever turned people away from the saving grace of God?  Is there anything you need to do today to help others find Christ's love?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Jesus is led to his death

Verses: Luke 23 : 26 - 43

My thoughts about the verses:

There are several lessons that we can learn from this scripture.  First we can learn a lesson from the women who were following Jesus and mourning his pending death.  Now you would think that Jesus would be somewhat understanding to this group of women.  They were worshipping Jesus by mourning his death.  Yet, Jesus turns to them and says do not mourn me mourn your own children. We can get from this that Jesus knew that this was the only option to free his people.  He was going to the cross freely.  What he was more concerned with is that future generations would chose life over death by accepting the Holy Spirit into their life.

The second lesson comes once Jesus is hanging on the cross.  The leaders are mocking him.  The soldiers are mocking him.  They have cast lots for his robe.  They have given him sour wine to drink.  They are yelling for him to come down from the cross if he is the Messiah.  Yet, Jesus says Father Forgive Them.  See Jesus was more worried about those that led him to the cross than his own life.  He knew that he was going home to join God.  Yet, those that led him to the cross, not only then but all of us, were more important.  He wanted God to forgive them and us for his death.

The last lesson comes from the thief who begs Jesus to remember him when he got to Heaven.  Jesus told the thief that he would join him in Heaven.  Think about this a second Jesus was in pain.  He was facing his death.  Yet, he gave the gift of everlasting life to a man that was a known criminal because he had accepted that Jesus was the gift of life.  The thief isn't named yet we can learn so much about this part of the story.  If anyone asks Jesus to save them he will.  He didn't die for those that were without sin but for those that need to be saved from their sin.  Again Jesus is more worried about someone else than his own death.

Even though there are individual lessons we can learn from this story there is one theme that weaves in this part of the story.  Jesus was more worried about his people than he was facing his death.  He wanted his people to find peace.  He wanted his people to be forgiven for all of their sins.  His death was important in that it was the only way that we could be saved.

The innocent lamb of God had to be put to death to save us for our sins.  So what  we need to remember is that Jesus wants us to join him in Heaven.  The choice is ours.  Yet, Jesus has already asked God to Forgive all those that follow that path.  For Jesus wants all of his people to join him in Heaven and have everlasting life.


Dear God we thank you for the spotless lamb that you sent to walk on Earth.  Jesus we thank you for freely going to the cross.  We thank you for caring more for us than for your own life.  We praise the Holy Spirit that comes into our life once we accept the forgiveness freely given.  Help us accept you today.  Help us live a life that shows others the gift of love that comes from serving you.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ into your heart?  Is today that you turn over your life to Jesus?  Are you living the life of a true Christian?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jesus is innocent but is sentenced to death

Verses: Luke 23 : 1 - 25

My thoughts about the verses:

The leaders rush Jesus to Pilate accusing Jesus of conspiring against the Romans.  They told Pilate that Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah.  The problem was that Pilate could not find any reason to kill Jesus.  Yet, he discovers that he is from Galilee.  He then decides to send him to Herod.

Now we have to remember that Herod has already killed John the Baptist.  He has been waiting to meet Jesus.  He wanted Jesus to perform a miracle.  He was trying his best to determine if Jesus was trying to overthrow the Roman government.  If he was trying to be the Messiah the new King of Israel his role would be diminished.

He was happy that his moment had arrived.  Yet like Pilate he was disappointed because Jesus did not perform miracles.  He did not declare himself the Messiah.  He was furious and decided to turn Jesus back over to Pilate because he had the ultimate authority when it came to crucifying someone.  He mocks Jesus by putting on a royal robe and sends him back to Pilate.

On Jesus's return to Pilate no evidence can be found against him.  Pilate turns to the chief Priest and tells the Pharisees that he will flog him for punishment.  Yet this isn't enough they want Jesus crucified.  Through the objections of Pilate they keep saying crucify him.  They even say to let Barabbas free.  The Pharisees knew that Barabbas was a thief and murderer but they begged for him to release and for Jesus to go to his death.  Pilate finally gives in to the crowd even though he sees Jesus as innocent.

Can you imagine being there during this so called trial.  It was much like our courts in the United States.  If you don't like the verdict keep appealing.  Eventually you might win your way.  In this case the wrong verdict was brought down at the end because of pressure by the crowd.

Makes you wonder how many other trials has the same thing happened.  Where an innocent is found guilty because of the pleas of society.  When something bad happens we want to find someone to blame.  We want someone to be punished for the crime.  DNA has proved multiple people are sitting waiting for their death in jail that do not commit the crime they are charged with.

If you look around the world you have to wonder how many people are innocent yet guilty because of the screaming of the crowds.  I am sitting here thinking about what is happening in Israel and the Gaza strip.  How many more innocent people have to die because of their association to a group. Amazingly the leaders are more worried about their desire to build a nation than allowing their people to live.  Isn't this exactly what was happening in Jerusalem when the priest brought their supposed threat to the Roman leaders.


Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus to cover our transgressions.  Jesus we thank you for dieing for us even though you were innocent.  We ask now God that we learn not to kill those that are innocent.  Help us end wars.  Help us pray for nations that are in the middle of wars.  In the name of the Source of Peace we pray.  Amen


Have you ever prayed for people that are innocent and face death?  Are you willing to defend those that are innocent?  Think back to that moment Jesus was on trial where would you be in the crowd, would you be hiding like Peter, yelling for him to die like the leaders, or crying like Mary?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Say I Am the Son of God

Verses: Luke 22 : 63 - 71

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus is there before the high priest.  They want him to do something, anything in which they could use against him.  They needed him to break the law so that they could get rid of this threat.  They had no idea that they were leading their Messiah to his death.  They knew the prophecies and had been waiting on the Messiah.  Yet, they were expecting more from their Messiah.  They were expecting a King to ride in and conquer the Romans.  To free the people and take back the land that belonged to the nation.  They wanted the nation to be the power that it once was under Kings like David and Solomon.

They start asking Jesus if he is the Son of God.  Jesus answers them you say that I am the Son of God.  Jesus does not deny or confirm he is the Son of God.  Because of this the High Priest take it that he is confirming that he is the Son of God.  That is enough for them to justify turning them over to the Romans.  See the Leaders could not punish Jesus without the approval of the Romans. What they wanted more than anything was Jesus to die.

What we have to understand from this is that people are not going to accept us for who we are.  People have a very hard time accepting Christians.  There are so many people that have been hurt by people that claim to be Christians.  That Christians that are truly accepting and show love are lumped with those that are preaching hate.

We have to remember that Jesus was all about love.  That is the most important part of Jesus's life when he walked on this Earth.  We have to do the same thing.  We have to show people Christ's love by being that example for others.

the other thing that we can learn is that we should be proud of who we are.  When some recognizes us by our behavior as a Christian we should be happy.  We should do our best to live our lives so that people can recognize us as Christians.  Jesus lived his life so that people would recognize him as who he was.  We should follow that example as we live our life.  If people do not recognize us as Christian's we should reevaluate our life.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Jesus we thank you for loving us as we are.  We praise the Holy Spirit for coming into our lives.  Help us follow your example.  Help us show love to others. In the name of the Son of God we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Christ into your heart?  Do you live a life where people will recognize you as a Christian?  If not what do you need to do so people can see Christ in you?  Are you showing love to those around you?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus

Verses: Luke 22 : 54 - 62

My thoughts about the verses:

Peter is scared for his life.  He wants to be there for Jesus yet he is afraid to be connected.  He is standing on the edge of the crowd just observing.  Imagine how hard it would be to see your teacher jailed.  You know that he hasn't done anything yet they have arrested him.  You haven't done anything either so you can understand the fear of being arrested also.

The first denial happens soon after Jesus is arrested.  Peter is trying to figure out what is happening. You can almost imagine the thoughts running through his head.  Why is this happening?  He hasn't done anything?  What is going to happen to us?  Then he hears this servant saying you were with him.  You can see him taking a deep breath and saying I don't know who he is.  You can almost understand why he denied this first time.

The second denial happens later in the night.  This man looks at him and says you are one of them. You can see the look of fear in Peter's eyes.  If they are willing to do all this to Jesus what will they do to one of his supporter's.  You can almost hear him saying I have to act quick.  He responds with I am not with him.  It is his way of protecting himself.  He is terrified that he would be found guilty by association.

About an hour passes and again he is accused of being with Jesus.  He is a Galilean.  He had to be the other one they have arrested.  You have to remember that the story was that a man from Galilee was healing the sick and feeding the masses.  You can think about Peter stressing.  I mean imagine if they don't find him guilty maybe they will turn on me.  The natural instinct would be to go into denial.

As the words leave his mouth he hears the Rooster crow.  Then he realizes that everything that Jesus has said is the truth.  Jesus knew that he would deny the very knowledge of knowing Jesus. Here is where things get tricky when Peter realizes this is only the start.  That Jesus will die and there is no way to stop what is going to happen.  Yet, he missed the second part of the story the fact that his Savior would rise and conquer death.

Looking at our own lives we all have those moments where we are scared.  Afraid that our association with Jesus might affect us.  That we might lose friends.  That our family and friends might judge us.  I know for me there were times that I have denied my relationship with God because I was afraid people would not be my friends any longer.   Religion has affected many of my friends and acquaintances in a negative way.  Instead of finding the love that they should receive they are put through persecution.  I feel so blessed that I know that Jesus died for me.  That Jesus loved me more than any person could ever love me.  Yet, fear can make you do things that you would not normally do.  Fear has a way of pushing you to make decisions that you normally would do differently.


Dear God we thank you for your love.  We thank you for being with us even though there are times that we will deny our relationship with God.  Help us be there for others and show them brotherly love.  Dear God help us be the light the world needs.  Help us to love others without judging them.  In the name of our Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Do you have a relationship with God?  Have you ever denied your relationship with God?  Have you ever been a stumbling block to others?  Have you allowed your fear keep you from being a servant of God?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Darkness Comes to The World

Verses: Luke 22 : 47 - 53

My thoughts about the verses:

To me the most important concept to the story is that the darkness has entered the world.  Jesus is given up to those that have come to arrest him by a kiss of a friend.  The greatest betrayal has launched the death of Christ.  The time of darkness will continue until the sun dawns on the third day when Jesus rises from the grave.

We often look at this as just the betrayal portion of the story.  Yet, there are several things that go into place and show how things will be different from this point forward.  The first thing that happens is the disciples ask if they should use their swords.  Jesus stops them because it is not a fight that Jesus wanted.  He did not want to take over the Roman Empire and free the Jews. Instead he knew that he had to go to the cross to free the world from their own transgressions.

The one disciple does use his sword and Jesus reprimands him.  Then he heals the man who the disciple hurt.  Think about this a second.  These men had come to take Jesus to his death yet he had emotional connections to them.  He healed the man so that no one could say that him or his people injured anyone in his arrest.  Imagine the look on the high priest faces as he heals the man.  They know what they are therefor.  They have to be shocked that Jesus healed him instead of fighting him.

Then he questions those that came to arrest him.  Am I a criminal?  Did Jesus have any reason to be put to death.  His death was our of fear and envy.  They wanted the status quo to continue. Therefor Jesus's death was nothing that he deserved.  Instead what he wanted them to admit is that he wasn't a criminal to clear his name for those that would hear about him in the future.  In fact, if truth be known Jesus knew what was coming and he wanted even the leaders to look back and see he wasn't a criminal.  He was making them angry because he was pointing out that his death would be that of an innocent man.


Thank you God for the gift of everlasting life.  Thank you for going to the cross so that we can be free.  We honor you for the sacrifice you made.  Jesus we thank you for being the perfect sacrifice clean and spotless.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever thought about how innocent Jesus was? Imagine being arrested would you take care of the one that came to arrest you?  Are you innocent and blameless?  Are you willing to accept Jesus in your life?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jesus prays on the Mount while the Followers Sleep

Verses: Luke 22 : 39 - 46

My thoughts about the verses:

Jesus knew that the time was upon him.  He wanted to go alone on the mount so that he could pray to God alone.  He told the disciples to pray that they would not fall into temptation.  The disciples heard but they fell asleep because they were grieving Jesus and their relationship with him.

Jesus is on the mount and he starts praying.  He asks God if there is another way for salvation without his death.  As he prays an Angel is sent to comfort him.  His sweat begins to flow like the blood that soon would flow from his body.  He accepts his calling and returns to the disciples.

There the disciples are asleep and not doing the one thing Jesus asked them to do.  They needed to pray to avoid temptation so that they could handle the next few days.  Jesus knew that prayer was the answer to the problems that they would face.  Yet, the disciples fell asleep and did not pray.

So you may be asking how does this story apply to me.  Simple the only way to avoid temptation is to pray.  When you pray you are summoning the presence of God to enter your life so you will not do things that are against the will of God.  See when you pray you have a shield of protection that surrounds you.

Yet, what do a lot of us do.  We only pray after we get in trouble.  We pray when things are already going wrong.  We do not pray to God when things are going good.   We think that we can handle the situations that we are in.  Since we ignore to pray for protection before things happen we are shocked when we start doing things that are against God.

We are more like the disciples in our way of thinking.  We have a tendency to put the thought of prayer behind other needs.  We see our day to day living as more serious.  Yet, when we open our hearts to thank and praise God we receive God's presence.

You can almost see the look on the disciples face when Jesus returned to where they were.  They had disappointed the one that they were following.  Is this not the same for us?  We are to pray to God without ceasing.  Yet, when we fail to do this we are disappointing God.  When we put Jesus second we are opening ourselves up to the temptations this world offers.


Dear God we thank you for everything.  We thank you for protecting us in the hard times of our life.  We thank you for answering our prayers.  Help us to put you first.  Help us pray to you without ceasing.  We ask you to forgive us when we put the world before you.  In the name of the One Who Died to make us Free pray.  Amen


Do you pray to God when things are good?  Do you pray to God to protect you from the temptations of the world?  Is today the day that you put prayer into your day to day living?