
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jesus is innocent but is sentenced to death

Verses: Luke 23 : 1 - 25

My thoughts about the verses:

The leaders rush Jesus to Pilate accusing Jesus of conspiring against the Romans.  They told Pilate that Jesus was claiming to be the Messiah.  The problem was that Pilate could not find any reason to kill Jesus.  Yet, he discovers that he is from Galilee.  He then decides to send him to Herod.

Now we have to remember that Herod has already killed John the Baptist.  He has been waiting to meet Jesus.  He wanted Jesus to perform a miracle.  He was trying his best to determine if Jesus was trying to overthrow the Roman government.  If he was trying to be the Messiah the new King of Israel his role would be diminished.

He was happy that his moment had arrived.  Yet like Pilate he was disappointed because Jesus did not perform miracles.  He did not declare himself the Messiah.  He was furious and decided to turn Jesus back over to Pilate because he had the ultimate authority when it came to crucifying someone.  He mocks Jesus by putting on a royal robe and sends him back to Pilate.

On Jesus's return to Pilate no evidence can be found against him.  Pilate turns to the chief Priest and tells the Pharisees that he will flog him for punishment.  Yet this isn't enough they want Jesus crucified.  Through the objections of Pilate they keep saying crucify him.  They even say to let Barabbas free.  The Pharisees knew that Barabbas was a thief and murderer but they begged for him to release and for Jesus to go to his death.  Pilate finally gives in to the crowd even though he sees Jesus as innocent.

Can you imagine being there during this so called trial.  It was much like our courts in the United States.  If you don't like the verdict keep appealing.  Eventually you might win your way.  In this case the wrong verdict was brought down at the end because of pressure by the crowd.

Makes you wonder how many other trials has the same thing happened.  Where an innocent is found guilty because of the pleas of society.  When something bad happens we want to find someone to blame.  We want someone to be punished for the crime.  DNA has proved multiple people are sitting waiting for their death in jail that do not commit the crime they are charged with.

If you look around the world you have to wonder how many people are innocent yet guilty because of the screaming of the crowds.  I am sitting here thinking about what is happening in Israel and the Gaza strip.  How many more innocent people have to die because of their association to a group. Amazingly the leaders are more worried about their desire to build a nation than allowing their people to live.  Isn't this exactly what was happening in Jerusalem when the priest brought their supposed threat to the Roman leaders.


Dear God we thank you for sending Jesus to cover our transgressions.  Jesus we thank you for dieing for us even though you were innocent.  We ask now God that we learn not to kill those that are innocent.  Help us end wars.  Help us pray for nations that are in the middle of wars.  In the name of the Source of Peace we pray.  Amen


Have you ever prayed for people that are innocent and face death?  Are you willing to defend those that are innocent?  Think back to that moment Jesus was on trial where would you be in the crowd, would you be hiding like Peter, yelling for him to die like the leaders, or crying like Mary?

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