Verses: Luke 23 : 26 - 43
My thoughts about the verses:
There are several lessons that we can learn from this scripture. First we can learn a lesson from the women who were following Jesus and mourning his pending death. Now you would think that Jesus would be somewhat understanding to this group of women. They were worshipping Jesus by mourning his death. Yet, Jesus turns to them and says do not mourn me mourn your own children. We can get from this that Jesus knew that this was the only option to free his people. He was going to the cross freely. What he was more concerned with is that future generations would chose life over death by accepting the Holy Spirit into their life.
The second lesson comes once Jesus is hanging on the cross. The leaders are mocking him. The soldiers are mocking him. They have cast lots for his robe. They have given him sour wine to drink. They are yelling for him to come down from the cross if he is the Messiah. Yet, Jesus says Father Forgive Them. See Jesus was more worried about those that led him to the cross than his own life. He knew that he was going home to join God. Yet, those that led him to the cross, not only then but all of us, were more important. He wanted God to forgive them and us for his death.
The last lesson comes from the thief who begs Jesus to remember him when he got to Heaven. Jesus told the thief that he would join him in Heaven. Think about this a second Jesus was in pain. He was facing his death. Yet, he gave the gift of everlasting life to a man that was a known criminal because he had accepted that Jesus was the gift of life. The thief isn't named yet we can learn so much about this part of the story. If anyone asks Jesus to save them he will. He didn't die for those that were without sin but for those that need to be saved from their sin. Again Jesus is more worried about someone else than his own death.
Even though there are individual lessons we can learn from this story there is one theme that weaves in this part of the story. Jesus was more worried about his people than he was facing his death. He wanted his people to find peace. He wanted his people to be forgiven for all of their sins. His death was important in that it was the only way that we could be saved.
The innocent lamb of God had to be put to death to save us for our sins. So what we need to remember is that Jesus wants us to join him in Heaven. The choice is ours. Yet, Jesus has already asked God to Forgive all those that follow that path. For Jesus wants all of his people to join him in Heaven and have everlasting life.
Dear God we thank you for the spotless lamb that you sent to walk on Earth. Jesus we thank you for freely going to the cross. We thank you for caring more for us than for your own life. We praise the Holy Spirit that comes into our life once we accept the forgiveness freely given. Help us accept you today. Help us live a life that shows others the gift of love that comes from serving you. In the name of the Savior we pray. Amen
Have you accepted Christ into your heart? Is today that you turn over your life to Jesus? Are you living the life of a true Christian?
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