
Monday, July 28, 2014

Darkness Comes to The World

Verses: Luke 22 : 47 - 53

My thoughts about the verses:

To me the most important concept to the story is that the darkness has entered the world.  Jesus is given up to those that have come to arrest him by a kiss of a friend.  The greatest betrayal has launched the death of Christ.  The time of darkness will continue until the sun dawns on the third day when Jesus rises from the grave.

We often look at this as just the betrayal portion of the story.  Yet, there are several things that go into place and show how things will be different from this point forward.  The first thing that happens is the disciples ask if they should use their swords.  Jesus stops them because it is not a fight that Jesus wanted.  He did not want to take over the Roman Empire and free the Jews. Instead he knew that he had to go to the cross to free the world from their own transgressions.

The one disciple does use his sword and Jesus reprimands him.  Then he heals the man who the disciple hurt.  Think about this a second.  These men had come to take Jesus to his death yet he had emotional connections to them.  He healed the man so that no one could say that him or his people injured anyone in his arrest.  Imagine the look on the high priest faces as he heals the man.  They know what they are therefor.  They have to be shocked that Jesus healed him instead of fighting him.

Then he questions those that came to arrest him.  Am I a criminal?  Did Jesus have any reason to be put to death.  His death was our of fear and envy.  They wanted the status quo to continue. Therefor Jesus's death was nothing that he deserved.  Instead what he wanted them to admit is that he wasn't a criminal to clear his name for those that would hear about him in the future.  In fact, if truth be known Jesus knew what was coming and he wanted even the leaders to look back and see he wasn't a criminal.  He was making them angry because he was pointing out that his death would be that of an innocent man.


Thank you God for the gift of everlasting life.  Thank you for going to the cross so that we can be free.  We honor you for the sacrifice you made.  Jesus we thank you for being the perfect sacrifice clean and spotless.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever thought about how innocent Jesus was? Imagine being arrested would you take care of the one that came to arrest you?  Are you innocent and blameless?  Are you willing to accept Jesus in your life?

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