
Saturday, February 1, 2014

God will provide all our needs

Verses: Luke 9 : 10 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

God will provide your needs if you trust in God.  The problem that we fall into is that we think God can only do so much.  We run into situations where we feel that what we need is something that we must help God achieve.  When in actuality God can do everything if we just let God.

We can understand the disciples.  Here they are in this very deserted place.  They had gone out to talk and pray with your teacher then all of a sudden all these people show up.  All of a sudden you know that you have to let the people go because there are no provisions.  Yet, Jesus says feed the people.

Now the disciples in their logic sense decide that there is no way that they could feed the masses. Did Jesus want them to go to the town to buy food.  For they knew all they had were five loaves of bread and two fishes.  Jesus was teaching not only the disciples but all of us that God can take whatever is given and makes it more than enough.  We can never do more than God can do.  Yet, we are asked one thing and that is to trust God.

Jesus takes the gifts that are given and feeds all five thousand men.  There is so much left over that 12 large baskets are filled with the leftovers.  The people were completely filled with started with only 5 loaves of bread and two fishes.  Yet, that is all that Jesus needed to make what seemed impossible possible.

What can we take from this today.  First we must be willing to accept the power of God. Secondly, we must offer our gifts and tithes to God.  Realizing that it doesn't matter how small the gifts is that we have to offer God can turn it into just what is needed.  We must not hold back our goods thinking it is not enough.  We must freely give so that God can use our gifts.  God will use what the Christian freely gives to feed those that need the gift, both spiritually and physically.


Dear God we thank you for all that you give to us.  We thank you for using our gifts to help others. We ask that you be with us as we go throughout each day.  Help us never to be afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone.  Help us give freely.  We ask you to use us to reach others.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you ever doubted that what you can give God is not enough?  Have you turned over your needs to God?  Have you ever wanted to help others but fear you cannot do it?  Are you ready to allow God to use you wherever you are in your life?

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