
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jesus heals those that have Faith

Verses: Luke 8 : 26 - 39

My thoughts about the verses:

We have to imagine the seen for a second.  You have this man that is not clothed.  He is not in his right mind.  He is wandering around the tombs.  When he sees Jesus he immediately says this is the Messiah and asks Jesus not to torment him.  When Jesus asks his name he says that he is Legion.

The name is important because it signifies that the man was possessed by many demons.  When I think of this I think of someone that has a Psychological illness.   This is the only way my mind can wrap around what is happening.  If you have ever met someone that has a mood disorder then you know what I am talking about.  One day they are calm the next day they seem to be out of their head.  If given the right medications they can be on an even keel for a long time.

So here stands Jesus and the demons know that Jesus is going to heal this man.  They knew who Jesus was.  They beg him not to send them into the abyss.  Jesus hears their pleas and sends them into a herd of swine.  Now they could have stayed there yet, the swine rush over a hill and fall in water and drown.

The swine herders see what happen and they run and tell the people in the city.  When the people arrive they see the man fully clothed and in his right mind.  They become fearful of Jesus and ask him to leave.  It was their fear and misunderstanding of what had happened that drove them out of the city.  Yet, I have a gut feeling that the man was chosen because how strong a witness his healing would make to the community.  I can see him spreading the good news from that moment on.

Have you ever been afraid that you will never get over the illness you have in your life?  You have a fear that drives you to act irrationally and consumes ever part of your waking hours.  You are so worried about getting well that you lose touch with reality.

We have all been there at one point or another.  We are so afraid that we will not get well that we forget to hand it over to God.  We also are under the assumption that we know what we need to get well.  when in reality only God knows what we need.  We must have faith that God will take care of us.  Once you turn your problems over to God the thing that you most need to get well will occur.  Accept through faith that God knows what you need and you will receive it.


Dear God we thank you for you powers of healing.  We thank you for carrying us when we run from you.  thank you for patiently waiting as our faith grows stronger.  Help us find the faith that we need to trust wholly on you.  Help us give our troubles over to you so that we may find the peace we truly need.  In the name of the Great Physician we pray.  Amen


Are you struggling today with the hand that the world has dealt you?  Are you worried that God isn't listening?  Is it time to turn your life fully over to God?  Do you have faith in the healing powers of God?  What must you do today to allow God to take charge of your life?

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