
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Helping the Savior Willingly

Two Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread and the Multitude was Fed

Verses: John 6 : 1 - 15

My thoughts about the verses:

This story is very interesting because there are two parts.  The first is that of doubt and the second has to do with trust.  How many times in our life have we had doubts of what Jesus has planned for us?  We worried that God wants us to do impossible task.  Then when the task is completed we start trusting in God because we could not do the act without God.  What happens the next time we are faced with the impossible we often question God but have a little more faith.  As God answers our prayers and we are able to tackle battles our Faith in us and God grows.

Imagine being the disciples you have seen tons of miraculous signs up to this point in the story.  Yet, when you see how many people have come to hear Jesus there is concern spreading among this small group.  I would guess that Philip was not the only person thinking that there was no way that these people could be fed and they should go back home.  He was seeing this as an impossible task.

Andrew comes forward with this little boy and says here's two fish and five loaves it is all we have in this whole crowd.  Can't you see a small smile forming on Jesus's face.  Jesus knew that he could teach the disciples and important lesson.  That this small amount was all was needed because God can take the smallest thing and do great things with it.

The trust comes in the little boy.  He did not hesitate in giving Jesus all he had.  It is amazing how many things you can learn from children. Their trust is not blinded by things that have happened in their life.  They trust people and are innocent.   It is only with life struggles that we start losing our faith and trust in people.  This little boy had no problem giving what he had because he knew that an adult could solve the problem at hand.

You can see the look of the crowd as Jesus blesses these two fish and five loaves of bread and breaks them.  This miracle would confirm that Jesus was able to satisfy all their needs.  After this event their trust in Jesus would be sealed forever.  They would be willingly to trust Jesus and give their life to God without hesitation.

Once you accept God without hesitation you heart will start wanting to give freely to God.  Your desire is to do what you can with what you have.  You no longer keep things from the Savior.  As your faith grows your willingness to help others also grows.  You are able to trust God and give what you have to Jesus to help other accept the risen savior.

Jesus doesn't ask for millions of dollars.  Jesus uses whatever we have to bring the word to those that need to hear it.  It is simple acts that people see over time that helps build trust in the Savior.  There is nothing that we cannot do with God in our lives.  Your faith will grow as you are able to see lives changed with what you have.  You just must be willing to give what you have without hesitation and you will see the great miracles God can perform.


Dear God thank you for all the things you do daily in our lives.  Help us grow stronger in our relationship with you.  Let us learn to give without hesitation trusting solely in you.  Help us become an instrument of change in the lives of others as we give to you whatever we have.  In your name we pray. Amen


Do you have the trust of a child?  Do you give to God freely or with hesitation?  What small thing can you do today to change the fortune of others tomorrow? 

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