
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We are many parts of one body

Verses: Romans 12 : 3 - 13

My thoughts about the verses:

The most important thing to remember is that God has given each one of us different gifts.  We are not to be jealous of others that have different gifts from ours.  We are to use what God has given to us with a cheerful heart.  Not holding back any part of the special gift that has been given to us.  It is the sharing of our gifts that make the entire body of the church stronger.

People overtime have separated themselves from each other and have become different denominations. It is important to understand that all Christians are part of the same body.  We are not individuals that are striving to compete with each other.  Instead we have one unified goal and that is to bring the nonbeliever into relationship with God.  When the body fights itself it causes people who are nonbelievers to distrust the church.

We need to break down the barriers between different churches and denominations.   God desires us to put aside all the things that have kept us separate so that we can work for the same goal.  We should not bar people from coming to know Jesus's love.  We should not judge what groups of people can truly find their salvation through the risen savior.  When we limit those that we let into our church we are becoming judges of sin.  Only God is the judge so we need to open the doors wide so those that have felt cast aside can walk in the door.

I know growing up I was taught that the group of churches that believed like ours were true churches.  I was taught that people from denominations could get to Heaven as long as they came to know Jesus the way we believed.   What I have come to learn as an adult is that God reaches people right where they are.  You do not have to believe just like me or anyone else to come to know the saving power of Jesus.

I have also come to know that we all bring our past into the interpretation of the bible.  I know for me I bring the principle that everyone can get to Heaven by accepting Christ.  There is nothing that they can do on their own.  There is nothing that they need to do beyond accepting Jesus. This is my interpretation of the scripture.  I also believe there are many parts that make up the single body of Christ.  Therefor if you have faith in what you believe and live it you will be blessed the same as I am.  It is important that the individual parts do not fight each other.

We are stronger as a united body using the gifts that God has given each one of us.  Make sure that you analyze yourself and determine what gifts God has given to you.  Thinking that you have one gift yet not another may limit your ability to serve God.  It is important that we use each and every gift God has given us.  This opens the door to people that need to find their way to the risen savior.  If God has given you gifts use it.  If you do not have certain gifts do not be upset because God has chosen to use someone else to fulfill that need.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for giving us the gifts we need to help people learn about God.  We ask dear God that you use us to fulfill your needs.  Help us put aside anything that separates us from others.  Help us overcome the obstacles that come in our way.  Dear God help us reach out to those that are unchurched or have been hurt by churches that have not accepted them.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you analyzed the gifts that God has given to you?  Are you using the gifts that you have been given?  Are you jealous of the gifts others have?  Are you willing to accept that we are all parts of the same body?  Are you willing to tear down the walls that separate us from other groups so that all can find their strength in God?

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