
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Whatever you believe acknowledge that you are doing it for God

Verses: Romans 14 : 1 - 12

My thoughts about the verses:

This is another touchy situation because we all feel that what we believe is the true way to believe. We often will judge others who do things that we feel are not what God desires.  There are also times that we are shocked when people will not do something because they think it is outside the rules.  We spend a lot of energy trying to decide if what we are doing or not doing is justified in God.  We consume our time judging others and determining that our belief system is better than what they believe.

I am here to tell you now that if you are spending your time determining if what you believe is better than others then you are missing the mark.  What we should be concentrating on is living the beliefs that we feel are bringing honor to God.  Let us think of it this way if you believe in your heart that doing something is good in the eyes of God you should be doing it.  If you think something is outside the boundaries of what God desires you should not do it.  Living what you believe while honoring God should be your main focus.

Now if it was that simple we could all live in harmony.  Yet, there are kinks in what we believe.  If you believe that there are certain people that are not allowed to be children of God then you are judging them.  We should not pick and choose who can accept God.  We should not judge who can be a believer similarly we should not judge someone who  believes one way or another.

I often think about communion, or whatever name your church uses to explain the meal given to us by God.  There are three beliefs on the meal.  Some denominations believe that the meal is only done in remembrance of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  Other denominations believe that the bread and juice when consumed by a believer become the actual body and blood of Christ.  While others believe that the blessing of the cup and bread turns the elements into the actual body and blood of Christ.  Which is right?  The answer to this question is simple they are all done for the same purpose to give glory to God who lived, died and resurrected from the grave to save us from our sins.  So why judge what others believe when it comes to communion.  This is a fundamental belief that they were taught as children or as they came into the church later in life.  As long as what they believe is to acknowledge the love of God why should we judge.

 I love the fact that I belong to a church that allows multiple faith traditions to mix together and become a unified body.  The members have learned to accept each other and the beliefs that they bring to the table.  We do not judge each other when people do not believe just like us.  Instead we encourage people to follow God where they feel comfortable.  Now does that mean that we believe that all things are acceptable to God?  Of course we do believe that there are things that are outside the desires of God.  Yet, we do not sweat the small stuff.

It is important that you allow people to have a place where they feel safe.  Allowing people to find God right where there are at is essential.  Remember to focus on living your own faith walk and allow others to walk their own.  What you will soon find out is that you share a lot of the same principles.  The small stuff can split church yet allowing God to live their belief is the most important thing.


Dear God thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our own short comings.  Thank you for loving us and accepting us where we are at this very moment.  Help us accept others and their beliefs.  Dear God help us accept people that are different from us and never to shut the door on those that are searching for you.  Help us not judge others for what they do or do not believe.  Help us give love to the world.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you sweating the small stuff?  Are you judging people and determining if what they do or not do is the will of God?  Are you opening your hearts to receive people that are different from you?  Are you walking the talk?

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