Verses: Luke 24 : 36 - 49
My thoughts about the verses:
The first thing that the disciples think when they see Jesus is that they are seeing a Ghost. This is the second time that the disciples saw Jesus perform a miracle and believe that he was a Ghost. Think back to the moment that he appeared on walking on the water. the first comment that they said was there is a Ghost.
They had doubt that Jesus was who he was. They knew the power of Jesus. They had seen miracles that were unexplainable. Yet, they doubted that what they were seeing at this moment was Jesus.
He then tells them to look at the scars. To come to the understanding that He was right there with them. To further confirm that he was alive he asked for food and ate it right there before them. that was not they needed to confirm that Jesus was alive and victorious over the grave.
After proving he was alive he proceeded to tell them the prophesies that were written about the Messiah. The fact that the Messiah had to suffer and die. That the Messiah would rise again on the third day. Upon completing of this the world would be saved from their transgressions.
This part of the story is important to us today. think about this a moment it was important that these followers came to the understanding of what had truly happened. they were to be the first voice. The witness that would spread the good news that would change the world. The message that would deliver saving power to all those that would accept.
Just like it was important that they heard it to spread the news that continues today. We have to be able to share our experience with God. Each person that has come to the acceptance of Christ in their life has been changed. It might not be as drastic as it was for these group of followers. But, it is no less important. Each of us have a message that we need to share.
Look back in your life to what was happening before you accepted Christ in your life. Then think about the moment that you accepted Christ. Then think about the changes that happened after that moment. You need to share that with people. To share that God has changed your life. Through those changes you have become the person you are now.
Remember that you live by example. Just make sure that when share the news people can see it in the actions you do. Just like Jesus ate food and showed his scars we must live a life of a Christian. People are watching us and if we are not living up to that standard that Christ set we are actually being a bad example. Remember you might be the image of God someone needs to see in their life.
Dear God we thank you for the gift of everlasting life. Jesus we thank you for being the example of how to be a true Christian. Help us everyday be a witness of your never ending love. Help us remember that you are the Messiah. Help us share your love to the world that needs it so much. In the name of the Risen Savior we pray. Amen
Have you accepted that Jesus is the Messiah? Do you understand everything that happened to Jesus was needed for our salvation? Are you being a witness and example for everyone you come in contact with?
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