Verses: John 7 : 14 - 24
My thoughts about the verses:
Is there times when you pick and choose what laws of God's to obey? Haven't we all done that at one time or another? I can only imagine the religious leader's eyes when Jesus told them all he knew about them. These up righteous individuals had to be furious that he was questioning their actions. How dare he say they were breaking the law by fulfilling the requirement of infant circumcision on the Sabbath.
Think about the situation that Jesus was facing. The Leaders were searching for him because he had healed a man on the Sabbath. This they felt was against the law and that he deserved to be killed. He had broken the law of Moses by working on the Sabbath. Yet, they felt that the law of circumcision overrode any rules of the Sabbath. This is still observed today.
To truly understand what the leaders were upset about you must look back at the Hebrew Scriptures. The law established that no work was to be performed on the Sabbath. Yet, the leaders felt it was mandated that every male must be circumcised on the 8th day no matter what. That the actual covenant established with the circumcision was more important to be performed than following the rule of no work.
The statement that Jesus was making was simple. The law was to be replaced by the blood of the new covenant. The circumcision of Jewish males to show their everlasting relationship would be replaced with new blood. Jesus was showing that through his sacrifice all of human kind could receive new life. We receive the life of everlasting love and freedom.
Many individuals have chosen to follow certain portions of the law to this day. Yet, they forget that the law was put in place so that the Jewish people could show their promise and trust in Christ. Now that Jesus has died the law is that of the old. We are to follow the new covenant. We need to build a relationship with our Savior and to love each other.
If people had obeyed the laws and customs then there would have been no need for Jesus to come. Yet, from the very beginning the laws were being broken. The entire world changed because humans could not obey the simplest of rules. The fact that the leaders were trying to kill Jesus is just one more example of them not understanding the power of God. The fact is God did not come to save a few people but the whole world. The law is essential because it sets a ground work we need to achieve. Yet, the new covenant establishes a new set of rules. One in which you must love your Savior and your neighbor.
Dear God we thank you for sending the Savior into our presence. Thank you for providing all of our needs. Thank you for establishing a new covenant with your people. Dear God we ask that you help us accept you. Help us accept the Savior. Help us love our neighbors as you love us. In your Holy name we pray. Amen
Have you accepted the new covenant? Are you practicing the two laws of loving the Savior and your Neighbors? Are you being a stumbling block to those around you? Are you helping others understand the love that is freely given?
My thoughts about the verses:
Is there times when you pick and choose what laws of God's to obey? Haven't we all done that at one time or another? I can only imagine the religious leader's eyes when Jesus told them all he knew about them. These up righteous individuals had to be furious that he was questioning their actions. How dare he say they were breaking the law by fulfilling the requirement of infant circumcision on the Sabbath.
Think about the situation that Jesus was facing. The Leaders were searching for him because he had healed a man on the Sabbath. This they felt was against the law and that he deserved to be killed. He had broken the law of Moses by working on the Sabbath. Yet, they felt that the law of circumcision overrode any rules of the Sabbath. This is still observed today.
To truly understand what the leaders were upset about you must look back at the Hebrew Scriptures. The law established that no work was to be performed on the Sabbath. Yet, the leaders felt it was mandated that every male must be circumcised on the 8th day no matter what. That the actual covenant established with the circumcision was more important to be performed than following the rule of no work.
The statement that Jesus was making was simple. The law was to be replaced by the blood of the new covenant. The circumcision of Jewish males to show their everlasting relationship would be replaced with new blood. Jesus was showing that through his sacrifice all of human kind could receive new life. We receive the life of everlasting love and freedom.
Many individuals have chosen to follow certain portions of the law to this day. Yet, they forget that the law was put in place so that the Jewish people could show their promise and trust in Christ. Now that Jesus has died the law is that of the old. We are to follow the new covenant. We need to build a relationship with our Savior and to love each other.
If people had obeyed the laws and customs then there would have been no need for Jesus to come. Yet, from the very beginning the laws were being broken. The entire world changed because humans could not obey the simplest of rules. The fact that the leaders were trying to kill Jesus is just one more example of them not understanding the power of God. The fact is God did not come to save a few people but the whole world. The law is essential because it sets a ground work we need to achieve. Yet, the new covenant establishes a new set of rules. One in which you must love your Savior and your neighbor.
Dear God we thank you for sending the Savior into our presence. Thank you for providing all of our needs. Thank you for establishing a new covenant with your people. Dear God we ask that you help us accept you. Help us accept the Savior. Help us love our neighbors as you love us. In your Holy name we pray. Amen
Have you accepted the new covenant? Are you practicing the two laws of loving the Savior and your Neighbors? Are you being a stumbling block to those around you? Are you helping others understand the love that is freely given?
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