
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

God gives to all that come to the table when they are called

Verses: Luke 14 : 15 - 24

My thoughts about the verses:

People often believe it is the highest and most esteem that are welcome to the table of God.  Yet, what they often miss is that Jesus went to the outcasts.  Those that society had left abandoned on the highways and byways.  These were the people that needed to know that there was a place that they could be free and accepted.

He had already come to those that were part of the religious order.  Yet, they had turned the love of God into a book of law that no one could ever accomplish.  They drove those away that needed help.  They turned up their noses to those that needed to be fed and sheltered.  They missed the point that God loved everyone not just those that thought themselves righteous.

How many times do we as Christians judge others?  It is fair to say that there are groups that each Christian believes will not inherit the glory that we know we have received.  See we are all limited with our ability to understand the never ending love of Jesus.  Many try to believe that their church and home are open to everyone.  Yet, look around are you missing a group at the table that God prepared.

There is an important thing to consider the table was not prepared by us.  The table was prepared by the Host, Jesus, so that we could commune in the everlasting gift of life.  Yet, we often think that only this group or that group deserves a seat.  When people that we consider are outside the intended group attempt to take of the meal of life we push them away.

Yet, look what the Master did he sent his servant first to those that he invited to come and partake of the meal.  All had excuses for they were not willing to leave things behind and go blindly into the night with the servant.

The Master gets angry yet, he does the right thing.  He tells his servant to go out into the street and bring those that were less fortunate.  You can imagine the surprise that overcame those that would have been left out of a feast like this.  The shock and amazement led them to the table.  They were willing to go because they had been extended the invitation that they normally would have never received.

There was still more room at the table so the Master once again sends the servant to get those that were strangers.  He sent him to invite those who were just passing by and offer the meal to them.  This open hospitality had to be very welcomed by the strangers.  They came because they needed the food.  They also wanted to meet a man that would open his house to people he did not know.

Yet, look at the last part of this story.  The Master makes it clear that those that he first invited would not partake of any of the feast.  Simply they had refused to give up their own needs and did not come to a banquet which was a free gift to them.  They were called yet did not follow.


Dear God thank you for inviting us to the table of life.  Help us never turn away a stranger or someone who is different from us.  Help us keep focused on your love so that we may share it with others.  Dear God let our actions honor you in all that we do.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Look at your own life for a second.  Is there a group of people that you do not socialize with?  Is there a group that you feel do not belong at the table of God?  What must you do today to open the doors so all can find the love of Christ?

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