
Friday, May 30, 2014

Those that accept Christ in their life are Welcomed with open arms

Verses: Luke 15 : 11 - 32

My thoughts about the verses:

Haven't we all done something that we feel ashamed or guilty about?  Kids are notorious for doing things behind their parents’ backs.  Saying that they are going one place and doing the complete opposite.  Thinking their parents will never know that they didn't go where they were supposed to go.  Then they cover up the truth with yet one more story.  In all reality parents had also done the same things as they were growing up.

Some people keep this up as they become adults.  Sometimes as they do this because of fear of retribution or the loss of relationship to someone.  For many the things of past soon catch up with them and they realize they cannot outrun their past.  That their past will take them down and they will lose things that they thought would never be lost.  Families and friends quit believing in them.  Sometimes it even involves the law catching up to them for things that they have done to keep their bad habits going.  Yet, when it does catch up many feel that sense of regret.  They are sorry for what they have done and wish they could take it all back.  For some it is possible to recover from the past.  Yet, for others it is impossible.

You can imagine how it must have felt for this young man to feel the guilt that had overwhelmed his very soul.  He had realized that he had done his father and God wrong.  He comes to his father asking that he be treated as a hired hand and allowed to come back.  His father instead of pushing him away welcomes him with open arms.  We can see the relief in the young man's face as he is accepted back.

We can understand the older brother's response also.  His feeling of betray from his father.  He had never left been there and done what was needed.  His worked while his brother has been out gallivanting around the countryside wasting money and being a fool.  Haven't we all had someone that we felt got treated better than us even though they have been doing wrong for so long, at least wrong in our eyes.

It is the Father's words that we must listen to closely.  He acknowledges that his older son has never left and has earned all that will one day be his.  Yet, he tells him to be happy for the one that has been thought dead is alive.  That he should celebrate for his brother because he has learned from his mistakes.  No he will never have what he would have had if he had stayed with the family.  Yet, he was free from his own punishment and guilt and that the older brother should celebrate because his younger brother was now free and home.

I believe what God is saying to us is that even if we have strayed away because of things that we have done in our life the open arms are awaiting us.  God is waiting to take us and celebrate our return to the fold.  God never leaves us yet is constantly waiting for those that have strayed to come back to the fold. That doesn't mean those that have stayed close to the flock are not important.  God has had them cradled throughout the whole time.  Yet, the celebration begins when those that stray make their way back.  They walk through the saving grace of Jesus's blood and are cleansed.  Their past s forgotten and they are now and forever part of the fold.  Being forever caressed in the loving arms of God.


Dear God thank you for your waiting arms.  Thank you for the caressing embrace that clears away all our fears and regrets.  Thank you for loving us so much that the ultimate sacrifice was made so that we could live with you throughout all eternity.  In the name of Saving Power of Christ we pray.  Amen


Is there something that you feel is blocking you from the embrace of God?  Are you willing to have that part of your life be lifted so that you can walk free?  Have you run from God because of your fear of rejection?  Is today the day you ask God to enter your life and make you whole and free?

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