
Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Bride will come with Joy to the Bridegroom

Verses: Psalms 45: 1 - 17

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Many people when they first hear this are probably thinking of a marriage of a man and a woman.  People think back to that of a royal wedding in which the King who has been anointed takes his bride.  They think this is a story involving Earthly love.

Yet, there is much more to this story.  This is the story of Jesus marrying the bride.  The most perfect bridegroom marrying the Church.   The Church is the bridegroom that has been called because they love God.  The Church isn’t one particular denomination or religion.  Instead the Church are all that believe in God.  All that have a personal relationship are part of the Church.  At the same time they become just a part of the Bride.

The royal wedding will take place.  There will be a day when Jesus calls the bride to come home.  In that moment the most beautiful of all weddings will happen.  All that have loved Jesus will fully feel the love that Jesus has for them.  There will be no more pain.  Their suffering will be over.  The Bridegroom will have conquered all the enemies as they will live in peace.

Knowing this we need to take into consideration our part in the story.  If you have accepted Jesus in our life then we are already a part of the Church.  If you have a loving relationship with God we are already part of the Bride.  Yet, if you do not have that relationship you are on the outside looking in.  You are a witness to the event but not a participant. 

Things can change and you can go from being a witness to a part of the wedding.  This is a very simple thing that can be done and you can make the choice.  See the Bridegroom is already been chosen.  Jesus has sacrificed his life to give us all freedom from our transgressions.  Jesus has won the battle over life and death.  It is the Bride that has to take the walk to go to the groom.  Today you can choose to ask Jesus in your life and have a place in the wedding party or you can deny Jesus.  Denying Jesus will lead you down a path you will regret in the end.  The choice is yours.


Dear God thank you for your love.  Jesus we thank you for winning the battle for us.  Thank you for sacrificing so that we could have everlasting life.  We ask you to help us take you into our hearts.  Help us accept your love.  In the name of the Royal Bridegroom we pray.  Amen


Are you a part of the wedding party or are you just a casual observer?

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