
Thursday, October 2, 2014

God is Trustworthy

Verses: Psalms 52: 1 - 9

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We have a hard time trusting other people.  We feel that people will turn against us at the drop of a hat.  We have a hard time accepting that people can be faithful.  We have built our lives around the fact that the only thing we can trust is ourselves.

Yet, there is something bigger than us.  We miss what is right in front of our face.  The one true thing that we all have is God.  God is the one thing we can always trust. 

People are given everlasting life through the power of the Living God.  God is the one and only thing that is always the same.  God gives us everlasting life.   God’s love for us is something that we can trust always.

Though we may have been disappointed by people we have no reason to doubt God.  God will never disappoint us.  When things are going bad in our life all we have to do is lean on God.  God will answer our prayers when we give them over.  The thing that we have to understand is that God will not let us down.

The thing that we always have to remember is that Jesus loves us no matter what.  Jesus would have gone to the cross if we were the only ones that needed to be saved.  Jesus was and is spotless.  We need to trust in the perfect sacrifice today and always.

The Holy Spirit will be there to guide us every day.  Once we accept Jesus our best friend becomes part of our life.  The Holy Spirit will lead us where we need to go.  We can trust that the Holy Spirit will always guide us to do the right thing if we ask for the guidance.


Dear God we love you.  Dear Jesus we praise you for your sacrifice.  We praise you Holy Spirit for guiding us.  Dear God help us trust in you.  Help us give our lives over to you.  In the name of the Holy Trinity we pray.  Amen


Have you put your trust in God?  Are you willing to follow the Holy Spirt throughout your life?  Have you asked Jesus in your life?  Do you need to trust in God today?

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