
Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Lord's Prayer

Verses: Luke 11 : 1 - 4

My thoughts about the verses:

The best way to look at the Lord's prayer is to divide it into its several parts.  We have to understand that this was a model of a prayer to God.  Each part plays a part in showing our humbleness and dedication to the one that make us whole.  The parts need to be considered on their individual merit. Yet, it is the entire prayer that shows God our full spirit.

The first thing that Jesus tells the Disciples is to praise God.  Think about this a second how often do we start with a prayer with I need this or I want this.  Then we often end it with by the way I need this too.  Yet, what Jesus wants us to know is that we need to give God praise.  We should know that God already knows what we need.  To begin our discussion with God we should come to the table with praise.  A way of saying thank you God before asking God for all that we desire.

Next we are to ask God to provide our daily needs including forgiveness for sins.  We need to understand that everything comes from God above.  Everything comes from God no matter how little or big. By asking God to provide those needs we are focusing on God's mighty power.  We are to acknowledge that we cannot do anything without God's help.  When we humble ourselves in this way we are praising God at the same time.

We then acknowledge our needs to be Christ like.  To not judge others and to let go of things that have happened to us.  Acknowledging that if God can freely forgive our sins we can forgive people for what has happened in our life.  This is hard for many of us to do.  We want God to forgive and forget what we have done.  Yet, we want to cling onto anything that has happened to us.  We want to use this against people in the future.  Yet, what Jesus wants most for us is to forgive and forget those that have done us harm.

Then in the end we ask God to help protect us.  We ask for help to keep us from going against God.  What a moment of servant hood that we give God in this moment.  We are asking God to help us do what is impossible without God's help.  We are actually in that moment turning our lives over to God to be used.

We then usually end the prayer with Amen.  This simply means so be it.  We have praised God through our prayer.  We asked God to forgive us of our sins.  To help us forgive others that do wrong to us.  Lastly to keep us from doing any bad before we do it.  We then know that God will make it happen.  There is no doubt about it God will be there if we give God the opportunity to.


Dear God thank you for being with us throughout our life.  Thank you for giving us all our needs.  Help us worship you and to give our life fully over to you.  Help us to let go of grudges that we have against others.  Be with us as we move forward in life so that we may be the children you desire us to be.  In the name of the Great Teacher we pray.  Amen


Are you blessing God as you pray?  Are you honoring God for all that has been done for you?  Are you forgiving those that do not live up to your standards?  Are you allowing God to work through you so that you will not trespass against the one that died for you?

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