
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Choose the Best Part

Verses: Luke 10: 38 - 42

My thoughts about the verses:

The big debate has always been what the most important thing to do is.  Are we to work hard to serve God or are we to just turn over our heart?  I think Jesus answers this question in these verses.  See Martha is upset because her sister is not helping prepare a feast for Jesus.  Instead Mary is sitting at Jesus feet worshipping him.  Martha is working to show her faith.  Mary is choosing to give her heart and attention over to God.

Now I am not trying to stir up a big debate or accuse anyone of doing wrong when they are serving God.  What I am saying is that God wants us to do both.  There is a time to serve God by working and leading others to the wonderful salvation we have found.  There are also times to sit and refresh your own spiritual walk.

Martha had a chance to spend time learning from Jesus.  She had an opportunity to allow Jesus to feed her soul.  Instead of taking that time she chose to feed her guest the nourishment of the body.  Mary on the other hand seized the opportunity to learn straight from Jesus.  She was fed spiritually by the one that was there to save her from her transgressions.

Now under most circumstances Martha would have chosen a path of servant hood.  She would be giving her life over to helping those that needed to be fed.  Yet, what Jesus wanted her and those to follow to learn that we have to feed our souls before we can help others.  If you are always serving others you are failing to keep yourself healthy.  When this happens you will eventually run out of steam.  Your desires will be there but you will not have the spiritual nourishment to keep going.  When you have a chance to renew your spiritual life take it.  When you can serve others serve them.  Yet, give both equal times so that you can be a follower that has the energy to go for the long haul.


Dear God thank you for being with us and giving us the nourishment we need to survive.  Dear God we praise you for loving us even when we do not deserve it.  Dear God we turn ourselves over to you. Help us find nourishment for our body and soul when we need it.  In your Holy Name we Pray.  Amen


Are you willing to serve God?  Do you take the time to nourish your soul?  Have you kept focus on choosing the best options for your life?

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