
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Show Others Mercy

Verses: Luke 10 : 25 - 37

My thoughts about the verses:

Simple we must love God with everything that we are.  We are to concentrate on giving our lives over to God.  Once we give our lives over to God we are challenged to love our neighbors.  It isn't all about us once we put God in the center of our lives and relationships.  It becomes about helping others and being there for those that need help.

I would guess that a lot of us have heard the story of the Good Samaritan.  A man is robbed and left on the side of the road badly beaten.  A priest comes by and sees the man and walks to the other side of the street.  According to custom the man would have been considered unclean because of how bad he was hurt.  Then a Levite comes across the man and he too crosses the road and doesn't help.  At last a Samaritan comes down the road and sees the man.  Now according to the times a Samaritan was considered less than the Jewish people.  Yet, the man stops and helps the man and even pays for him to stay at an inn to he got better.

Jesus asks who the one that is serving his neighbor more is.  The answer is simple the one that was willing to help someone he didn't even know.  See we are willing to acknowledge those that we know but we tend to run away from people that we do not know.  We will help those that we are close to but will turn and run when we see outsiders that need help.

This story is very important because it teaches us many lessons.  First you must give your life completely over to God.  When you give your life over to God you must be willing to do the work God has set out for you to do.  You must recognize that there is no one that God doesn't want you to help.  Our neighbor is anyone that we come in contact with.  When we show them mercy we actually are doing the will of God.  Showing mercy to others allows people that do not know Christ to feel the love that Christians feel.

The truth is that somewhere in the world today someone needs to see Jesus in you today.  You may be the one that helps someone find their way to the Savior.  You have to understand that everyone is our neighbor.  You need to put your own self out of the picture and allow God to accomplish great things. It isn't about what you can do but allowing God to work through you.  So make sure that every time you feel the need to run from situations that you pray to God so that your neighbors’ needs are met.  Remember sometime someone did the same thing for you.


Dear God thank you for loving us.  Thank you for sacrificing yourself so that we could be free from our own transgressions.  We praise you for accepting us with all of our faults.  We ask that you help us help others.  We pray that you guide us so that we will not turn those that need to see you in us today.  Walk with us along our path so that we can truly be the people that help all our neighbors.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you ever ran away from a situation in which you could have helped someone find Christ?  Do you accept that everyone is your neighbor?  Are you open to God working through you today?  What do you need to do today to change you’re feeling about strangers and neighbors?

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