
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We may be Tossed About in the Raging Sea of Life God Helps US

Verses: Psalms 107: 1 - 43

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

We ebb and flow through life.  We come upon waves that knock us down.  We can also quietly drift in the calm sea current.  We have hard times in our life like a large Hurricane in full swing.  The sea of life billows around us this way and that way.  It is ever guiding us in new directions.

Yet, the One that created the sea is with us.  In the quiet moments of our life God is celebrating with us.  In the moments when the waves get higher and higher God is there.  There is nothing that we cannot overcome with God.

Yet, how often do we look at the sea of life and feel like we are alone.  We feel like we are doing all the rowing and no one is there helping us.  We go through life forgetting the One that is always there.  We are so caught up with the problems that we are facing that forget that God is there to help us.
God has done so much for each and every one of us.  When we are sick God is there carrying us.  When we feel alone God is there by our side.  When we are at the end of our rope God is there helping us hold on.

We only need to ask God to help us and we will receive the help we need.  We have a tendency to only see this moment and forget about all the other things that God has gotten us through.  We are so caught up in our worries and fears that we do not allow God to work in our life.

God wants us to let go and let God take control.  Yet, this is our biggest fear of them all.  We fear most not being in control of our future.  We often feel that if we let go of our control things will happen that we never wanted to happen.  Yet, if we allow God to be in charge our life will work out.

The sea of life is a very complicated thing to navigate on our own.  We have an option to be the captain.  We also have the option to be the first mate.  When we are the captain we are trying to make all the decisions and chart our own path.  We often find out that our way is not the best way.  Yet, when we decide to be the first mate and allow God to be the captain we do not have to fight the battle alone.  The obstacles that come in front of us will be smaller in our eyes.

Having God as the captain of our life doesn’t mean there will always be smooth sailing.  The sea of life will churn and the waves will often become more than we can handle.  Yet, when you allow God to be the captain you will get what you need.  This does not mean you will get what you want.  For too often what we want is the opposite of what we truly need.

The next time you are in the quiet seas thank God for all that has been done in your life.  When the water gets rough ask God to come and be your helpmate.  You will soon discover that you have many things to thank God for.  The waters might be high for a while in your life yet only imagine what they would be like if you didn’t ask God to be the captain of your life.


We thank you God the Creator of our life.  We praise you for your gift of salvation.  We praise you for the strength that you give us when we are weak.  We thank you for helping us when we feel that there is no way out of the situation that we are in.  Help us Dear Savior to turn our lives over to you.  Help us to allow you to be the captain of our life.  Help us always remember what you have done in the past so that we can be reassured about our future.  In the name of the Creator of the Sea of Life we pray.  Amen


Have you asked God into your life?  Have you turned over your control of your life to the One that is stronger than you?  Are you in a moment of your life when there is calmness and you have the opportunity to sing praises up to God?  Are you struggling today and need to ask God to help you?  Have you thanked God for all of the things that God has done in your life?

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