
Friday, November 28, 2014

Do Not Speak Ill Against the Innocent

Verses: Psalms 109: 1 - 31

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Isn’t it amazing how many times in our life we are accused of doing things that we have never done.  People often see the bad and miss the good that we do.  They assume that everyone does wrong and miss the people that are spreading well throughout the world.  The assumption is that the world is full of evil people and that there are very few people that do well.

The psalmist is in one of these situations.  The psalmists is not done anything wrong yet is being accused.  The judges are being swayed by the accusers to believe that the psalmist has committed a deed against them.  The fact is that the psalmist has shown love and mercy.  Yet, instead of that being returned in like kind they are being hated.

I watched a movie today about a man that was found guilty of killing his wife.  He stated that he was innocent.  That he had nothing to do with the murder.  He could not help the detectives because he could not imagine anyone wanting to kill his wife.  They find him guilty by association because they could not find evidence leading to any other reason she had died.

Twenty years past and he continued to plead his innocence.  The case was taken up by the innocence project because they felt there was merit to his pleas.  After twenty-five years in prison it came out that there was evidence that had never been disclosed.  That even at the time of the murder there was evidence leading to someone else doing the killing.  He was finally exonerated of all charges and set free.

The one moment that stood out to me is when he was testifying against the attorney that had hid the evidence.  Instead of asking for a harsh sentenced he asks the court to be lenient.  Imagine the strength of character that it would take to ask for a judge to be fair to someone that had wrongly accused you.  Imagine how hard it would be to put aside your angry and animosity against the person. 

We may not have gone through a situation like this.  Yet, we all have had times that we have been wrongly accused.  We have friends that have accused us of things that we never even thought of doing.  We have family members that have left our side because they think we are in the wrong. 

What is one to do in a situation like this?  The psalmist makes it clear.  We need to ask God to be the ultimate judge.  We need to ask God to deal with the situation.  We need to realize is that our God will be a fair and honest Judge.  God knows the wrongs of a person’s heart.  God knows when people seek ill will on those that have done no wrong.  We need to turn it over to God and know that God will resolve the issue.

The next time you feel that your loyalty has been betrayed.  The next time you feel that your love has been put to the side.  The next time you are wrongly accused.  You do have an option.  Ask God to hear your pleas.  Ask God to provide you with the safety that you need in times of distress.  Ask God to deal with those that wrongly accuse you.  Trust that God will be fair and the wrong will be righted.


We praise you God for being a fair and just God.  We thank you for always being there with us.  We honor you for you love and kindness towards us.  Help us when we are wrongly accused to turn it over to you.  Help us to remember that you know the way of our hearts.  Help us to stay focused on you and to allow your will to work out.  In the name of the Almighty Judge we pray.  Amen


Do you feel that you have been wrongly accused in your life?  Have you tried to solve the situation yourself?  Have you turned over the issue to God?  What must you do today to allow the past to be taken away so that you can focus on the future?

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