
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jesus Begins Gathering and Leading His Flock

Follow Me

Verses:  John 1:35-50

My thoughts about the verses:

These verses can be compared to a group of Canadian Geese.  This is truly not a long stretch because geese will follow their leader to the end.  If the leader tires or is lost one of the stronger members of the group will become the new leader.  They will continue on the same path as the original leader.  Therefor the leader is not only their guide but also their teacher. For those that are on their first trip they have to learn quickly how to keep things going.  They never know when it may come their time to be the leader. There is also that element of surprise awaiting them at the end of the journey.  Will they have found a safe place that they can stay or will things be so rough that they will have to struggle?

This story reflects the true power and love that comes from Jesus.  It isn't a power he uses to demand you to do something.  Rather he simply states if you want to know follow me then come. The decision then is placed on you whether to follow or stay behind.

The first disciples were told by John that Jesus was the Messiah.  The long awaited Prince of Peace.  He needed them to know that he was the one that would deliver them from the turmoil that that they were living.  The thing is I wonder if the disciples truly knew what that meant in the beginning.

Many had thought that Jesus was coming to release them from the powers that were holding them hostage on Earth.  A new King of Israel would come and the tyrants of Rome would flee and Israel would be restored.  I honestly believe that John the Baptist knew what was truly happening. The Messiah wasn't coming to free them from this world but the next.

Just like many of us some of the disciples had to be convinced that Jesus was the true Savior. Nathanael was so different from Philip. Phillip believed without question that Jesus was the one that had been promised to them.   Nathanael on the other hand had to be convinced that Jesus was the Son of God.   Imagine your surprise if Jesus called you by name and said that yesterday you were sitting under a fig tree.  Would you not acknowledge that this was the Son of God especially if you never met him and he knew that much information on you.

Then there is Simon who from this point on would be known as Peter.  How many times did he stumble in his journey.  Yet, later he is told that he will be the foundation the Church is built on.  His brother Andrew had great faith and wanted his brother involved.  He had no idea how big an impact that he would have during those early years making sure that the church had strong leaders.
Anyone in this small band of believers could easily been the rock.  Anyone of them could be the leader who after being taught could bring the story of Christ to all humankind.  In fact, the members later went out and started teaching what they knew.  Each building their flock but following the original path lay out by Jesus.  This is where things started when it came to the early church.  The goal was to share the good news.  No matter what differences each disciple had their leadership was influenced by Jesus.


Dear God we thank you for giving us the greatest teacher and leader the world ever knew.  We thank you for offering us the choice to follow you.  We Praise you for the knowledge that you have shared with us through your word.  We ask that you help us break down the barriers that have come between us and our brothers and sisters.  Help us dear God spread the good news to the whole world.  We also ask that you give us discernment so that we will know when a true leader comes in our presence that is sent by you.  In your Holy Name we pray Amen.


Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  Do you need more evidence that God has come to Earth to set us all free from the bondage that we are in?  Do you need to become a leader who teaches the truth to those around you?  Who will you choose to lead you forward in your walk in life? 

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