
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Healed through Faith

Verses: Luke 18 : 35 - 43

My thoughts about the verses:

I want to start by saying that I believe there are many types of healing.  I believe some people will receive the gift of physical healing.  I believe others receive the gift of spiritual healing.  Others will receive the gift of emotional healing.  Anyone that asks and believes will be healed.  Yet, it might not be the type of healing that you desired.

I know that I would have loved physical healing.  Yet, what I found out is if you let God give you what you need you will be blessed.  I want it know that I truly believe in the gift of Healing.  I actually believe that there has been a few times in my life that God had worked through me to bring healing to those that needed it.

It is hard for people to look at me and hear me say that.  I have had people say if you would just believe you will have your body healed.  I have others say why you have accepted that you will not get physically better.  Do you not have enough faith in God.  Yet, what I want to tell those that read this that I actually believe that I have been healed.  It wasn't my physical body that needed the healing but I needed emotional and spiritual healing.

When you look at this particular story Jesus asks the man what he wanted from God and he said his sight.  Jesus gave him back his sight because the man trusted that Jesus could do that.  Yet, for me I did not limit God's healing.  I said God give me the healing that I need.  I know that I am stronger now emotionally and spiritually than I have been in my whole life.  Every day I grow even stronger because heard my prayer and answered.

I believe that God is using me as a witness just like he used the blind man.  See if I had all of a sudden being physically healed then I would not be on the path that I am now.  I would still be working, which was my biggest stumbling block.  Instead what God did was heal my Spirit.  Jesus calmed my spirit and gave me the strength to share with others that illnesses are not the end of the world.  I still struggle when I cannot do things that I used to do.  Yet, I am not mad at God.  In fact, I know that when I am struggling I am not letting the gift that was given to me to be seen by others.

Simple ask and you will be healed.  Have faith that God will do what needs to be done in your life and it will happen.  After you have received the gifts lift up the praises to God.  Share with others that you are well because God has set you free from the pain that was affecting you.  Praise God and you will grow closer and stronger to the one that has made you whole.


We thank you God for the healing that you have done in my life.  We thank you God for the healing that you have done for others.  Thank you for being with us when we did not deserve it.  Thank you for your unconditional love.  Help us praise your name.  In the name of the one who Has Set us Free.  Amen


Do you have faith in God?  Do you believe God can heal you?  What do you need to turn over to God now?

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