
Friday, July 4, 2014

Jesus prepares the Disciples for his Death

Verses: Luke 18 : 31- 34

My thoughts about the verses:

Imagine for one moment if you were one of the disciples.  You had left everything to follow Jesus.  Jesus was not only your teacher but your friend.  You are willing to do anything to spread the news that he has placed in your heart.  Can you imagine the chock and doubt that would cloud your mind when Jesus tells you that he would be beaten and killed.

I know I would be like this is crazy.  You are the Son of God.  There is no way that you are going to die.  Look at me I believe you I have left everything to follow you.  Come on where is the punch line. This has to be a joke.

Yet, Jesus doesn't waiver from his prediction.  He knew the disciples would not understand.  Isn't it true that it is those that we are the closest to that have the hardest time to believing the hard things that are happening in our life.  I can remember telling my parents and wife that I would never get any better.  That I was resolved that this was going to be okay that it wasn't the end of the world.  That I might not be the way I used to be physically but emotionally, spiritually and mentally nothing had changed.  I can still see the looks on their faces.   I know they were thinking don't give up.  Fight hard there has to be away to get better.

The disciples had to be right there at that moment.  They went right up to the moment Jesus was taken not accepting the destiny that would happen.  Yet, Jesus knew that if he foretold his death that they would be able to accept his return.

I think of the TV show that came out last season in which people that had been dead for different amounts of life started showing up alive and at their loved ones houses.  They were in shock questioning how this is possible.  I mean people don't come back to life and walk up to you on the street.

Yet, isn't that what Jesus wanted the disciples to understand.  He was preparing them for the moment that the stone would be rolled away.  The moment the disciples would be free forever.  He was getting them ready for the moment that Jesus would rise victorious over death and sin.

It is important that it says the truth of the matter was hidden from the disciples.  It shows us how hard it is to accept Jesus.  Yet, we know that these things did happen.  The disciples witnessed it and were able to spread the news.  You can almost see them sitting around and saying you remember when Jesus said this would happen.  I can hear Peter saying I never thought it would happen.  Yet, now I know that he was getting us ready for the next part of our journey.


Thank you for accepting the pain that should have been us.  Thank you for taking our death upon your shoulders.  Thank you for loving us even though we did not deserve it.  Help us accept what you have for us to learn.  Help us tell others about your saving Grace.  Help us tell the story about the Savior that will return to claim us.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen


Two simple questions

1) Do you believe the story of Jesus's life, death and resurrection?

2) If not what more do you need to hear or see to accept?

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