
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Trusting God as a Child Trusts

Verses: Luke 18 : 15 - 17

My thoughts about the verses:

Kids are amazing people.  They have the ability to trust and love without getting anything in return. Spend a few minutes with a small child and you can’t help but fall in love with them.  I love sitting in a restaurant and spotting that one little baby that is just smiling and waving at all the adults that are now acting like little kids.

Being around kids has that ability to make you to think back to happy moments in your own life.  No matter what has happened we all have that one memory that we go back to and can remember the fun of just being a kid.  Maybe it was a birthday, maybe a special holiday or a person that always gave you big hugs.  Those moments help remind us what it feels like to be innocent and truly trusting.

Imagine if everyone kept that innocence.  That total trust of the world around them.  I happened to be one of those kids, might shock all of you :), that never met a stranger.  I loved being around adults and getting special treatment as life went on in my life.  My best friends were not kids, but rather adults that protected me and guided me.

In those moments when I think of my relationship I go immediately back to my childhood.  I see Jesus as this wise older adult that is there to protect me.  That I am loved unconditionally and that Jesus is waiting just to reach out and give me one of those big hugs I received from different family members.

What Jesus wants us to know that if we just go to him he will take us in our arms.  That Jesus will love you for just who you are.  You are protected by the loving arms that embrace you and carry you in our times of need.  We need to trust that God will never leave us.  That the One who created us is also the One who saves us.

See if we go to God as children we do not put up barriers between God and us.  Instead we freely give ourselves over God.  We allow God to enter our heart and to cleanse away the things that we have done that would have separated from our Savior.  When you go to God as a child you have the utmost trust and faith that God will not reject you and you will find the love that you need in your life.

There is one more thing that I want to point out and that is that Jesus did not let the disciples stop the children from coming.  All Christians need to remember this.  We cannot judge who God will accept as children.  Therefor we should never be a stumbling block that comes between God and those that desire to be a child of God.  We need to open up our arms and hearts so that we create a welcoming environment. If we live as children of God we will open the doors for all those that need to find the love and forgiveness of God.


Dear God thank you for your unconditional love.  Thank you for opening your arms and heart to welcome us home.  Help us be the people that you desire us to be.  Help us see you as the one that created us and loves us as we are.  Help us never to be a stumbling block for your children.  Give us the heart of a child so that we can trust you and those that you have sent in our life as a witness of true Christianity.  In the Name of Our Creator we pray.  Amen


Have you trusted God?  Have you seen Jesus as if you were a child needing a protector and friend?  Have you ever stopped someone from coming to Christ?  Are you willing to be there for others that need to find God's love?

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