
Monday, October 21, 2013

Fisherman of the World

Verses: John 21 : 1 - 14

My thoughts about the verses:

The followers had been fisherman before they had started following Jesus.  Peter decides to go fishing and several other followers go with him.  They fish all night and catch no fish.  Now this is quite ironic when you think about it because they had made their living catching fish.  Then all of a sudden here there are doing their worldly task and they are not able to catch one fish.

After being all night they hear this voice on the shore asking if they have caught any fish.  When they answer no they are told to put their nets on the other side of the boat.  Immediately it fills with more fish than they could even get aboard the ship.  The followers immediately know that it is Jesus on the shore.  Peter doesn't wait he jumps in the water and goes to Jesus.  The rest of the followers come to shore in the boat.

I believe there is a valuable lesson that we can learn from this scripture.  Sometimes we tend to think we accomplish things on our own.  We do not put Jesus first we put ourselves first.  We lose focus on what our real job is.  The job is to become fisherman of the world. To do this we must go where God has sent us.  We must use what God has given us.  If we follow these simple guidelines we will be the messengers God desires from us.

Yet, if we keep fishing our own way  we will never find our way.  Putting our nets where we want to put them.  Not stepping out of our comfort zone.  Staying in the place we fill comfortable.  We will fail in our mission of bringing people to God.

Followers need to focus on what they do best.  They need to concentrate on allowing God to use us and to do what we are asked.  We need to go outside our comfort zone and reach out on the other side of the boat.  We often miss bringing people to God because we do not think God wants us to go there.  Sometimes the hardest thing is listening to that soft voice inside that says go there. Put your nets on the other side of the boat.  Get out of your comfort zone and go where I am sending you.  For us to grow as a Church and as a stronger Christian we have to listen to that voice.  God only wants well for us so never be afraid to do things differently if it will lead to souls being brought to Christ.


Dear God we thank you for teaching us that we must depend on you.  We thank you for giving us second chances.  We ask that you help us put our own needs behind us.  God we ask that you help us focus on you and what we need to do to help others.  Help us always remember that you are our strength.  Give us the ability to listen to what you want us to do.  Help us become the fisherman that you desire from us.  We pray this in your Holy Name. Amen


Have you stepped out of the box?  Have you become the fisherman that God wants from you? What must you need to do right now to follow God closer?  Have you listened to the voice inside that is guiding you?  Have you chosen to answer your call?  Are you willing to do what God is asking you to do?

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