Verses: Psalms 14 : 1 - 7
Song inspired by the chapter: Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.
thoughts about the verses:
This is a
condemning psalm because it is addressing the state of Israel. As they
are struggling they start to question the power and might of
God. Is it truly possible that God can save them. Even the leaders
have started to question the power of the Almighty.
This is a
reference to the time that the temple will fall. The Psalmist is talking
about a time when temple walls will fall because the people have turned their
eyes from God. They have persevered through so many trials through the
power and strength of God. Yet, in their weakness they start to wonder if
God is truly there.
When we
think about this verse we have to understand that this happens a lot in our
society. When things are going good we proclaim the majestic power of
God. Yet, when things are going bad we start to question God. The
people around us that are not Christians look at our life and see us going
through struggles and determine that there is no God.
We have
an obligation as Christians to teach the word to all people. To convince
those that believe there is no God the story of everlasting life. Yet, we
need to accept that not all people will turn and take Jesus into their life.
church needs to concentrate on its true mission. There comes a time when
we have to stop bickering over our petty differences. Imagine how it
looks when Christians fight each other.
Now I am
not Catholic yet, I have come to respect and adore Pope Francis. It is
amazing to watch a man opening the doors to the ones that have had the door
slammed into their face. A leader that is strong enough to say that the
people of the world need to be treated equally. That God's grace is
I also
think about Rev Troy Perry and all the other Metropolitan Community Church
leaders. Imagine the struggles that occurred in the early years.
The fires, the bomb threats, the trials of reaching a population that had
been alienated from society. Can you feel the struggle that they must
have gone through not only with mainline churches but also with a population
that felt that God didn't love them.
group of men and women sought out those that were marginalized and gave them a
place to worship. As people came to know Christ the church grew. It
was through persecution of the unrighteous and the pious that led to the
strength of MCC.
I am also
thinking about the many countries where people continue to not have a voice.
The fact, that there are many people that must hide their sexual and
gender identity. The truth is many people meet in secret places just so
they can worship the Creator. I
also think about the hundreds of people that have faced violence and death because
of the life God gave them.
The world
is not just. Only God is just and loving. We need to work together to
help people see that Jesus was a new temple. That wherever we are in this
world God is there. To communicate to those that feel isolated and
abandoned by God. To help people understand that God is the light of the
might say that there is none that are righteous and that is true to a point.
All people sin. Yet, those that accept Christ receive new walking
orders daily. We must do our best to serve God. We need to remember that
you might be Jesus's instrument
to someone that is suffering and needing hope.
Dear God
thank you for not abandoning. Thank you for accepting where we are in our
life. We ask that you listen to our pleas. Help us be an instrument
of hope and peace in this world of chaos. Help us never to close our door to those that are in need.
Remind us daily that we are no more than sinners saved by your grace.
Help us to never deny that there is a God. Help us remember we
serve a God that can save us but one that loves us no matter who we are or what
we have done in the past. We know as long as we turn it over to you we
will become righteous in
your eyes. In the name of the Savior we pray. Amen
Have you
ever denied the existence of God? Have you felt alone and defeated in
this world? Do you need to turn your life over to God so that you can
become righteous in the eyes of the Savior? Are you living your life so
others can see God in you so that they may come to realize the loving
forgiving God that we have found?
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