
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Asking God for Help

Verses: Psalms 13 : 1 - 6

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

David had gone many things in his life.  This is a simple song letting people know that no matter the problem God has the answer.  God knows our needs and we need to humbly go to God with our petitions.  Even before they are answered we need to lift up praises because we know God will provide what is needed.

David went to God and stated the problem he was facing.  He felt the pain of suffering under his enemies.  David felt hat his enemies had the upper hand in the situations going on in his life.  That he was hurting in his soul and heart because of the pain that was being afflicted on him by his enemies.  He then gave it over to God.  He state his case and what he needed to solve his heartache.  He prays to God and asks for help in his time of great need.  David wants more than anything for God to help him. He is asking for to win over his enemies so that he can rest.

Even before God answers his prayers he lifts up his praises.  He trust God will answer his prayers. Therefor he thanks God for the results that he is praying for.  He knows that without a doubt that no matter what happens God is the rock of his salvation.  He is willing to praise God because of his knowledge that no matter the answer it will be what is best for him.

Isn't there times in our life that we feel overwhelmed.  We feel that we are in a battle that we cannot win.  We feel like the whole world is against us.  We often think our problem is so big that it can’t be fixed.

Yet, there comes a point in time that there is only one solution to our problem.  We have to turn it over to God.  We offer our simple prayer to help us overcome the situation that we are in.  We have to trust that God will answer our prayer.  There are times that God is waiting on us to turn it over and quit trying to fix it our self.

Once we ask God to solve the situation we are in we need to lift up praise.  God wants us to trust that the answer will come.  Even before the prayer is answered we need to thank God for all the things that already happened in our life.  We need to thank God for all the things that will happen.  We need to accept that the answer might not be what we wanted but that is what we need.  We need to make sure that in all things we need to thank God for the blessings that are in our life.


Dear God we thank you for all you have done.  Thank you for answering our prayers.  Thank you for always being by our side.  Help us when we are having problems.  Help us offer up our prayers up to you.  Help us Dear God to turn over all of our situations so that we can live in peace.  Help us offer praise up to you for all that you have and will do throughout our life.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you turning over everything over to God?  Are you offering praises up to God?  Do you trust God will answer your prayers?

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