
Friday, August 29, 2014

The Lord is our Rock and Fortress

Verses: Psalms 18 : 1 - 50

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Sing praises to God.  God protects us and delivers us from those that are against us.  God protects us from everything that comes our way.  We should fear nothing because God has surrounded us with a strong fortress.  Nothing in this world can hurt us to the core of our being if we trust in God.

We need to sing praises to God.  We need to sing praises to God for the love that is shown us.  God loved us so much that God sent Jesus so that we may have everlasting life.  Jesus willing went to the cross to pay for our transgressions.

Sing Praises to God.  God provides us help when we need it.  We have to trust that God will be there when we need it.  Accepting this we need to praise God for the strength that is shown.  God will always be there anytime we call out for help.

We need to sing praises to God.  Though our enemy is battling against us God intervenes.  God comes into our struggles and gives us the relief we need.  We need to remember no matter comes our way that God will be there helping us overcome the battles of our life.

Sing Praises to God.  We need to sing praises to God for the gifts that are given to us.  God gives us strength and courage.  God gives us peace of mind.  God gives us love.  God gives all that accept Christ Everlasting Life.

We need to sing praises to God.  God lives.  God is our rock.  God is our refuge.  God is our strength. For all of these things we need to sing praises to God.  We are blessed to have a God loves us.  Rejoice in the Holy Spirit that lives within us and gives us the direction that we need to get through life's struggles.


Dear God we praise you for your love.  Jesus we praise you for your sacrifice.  Holy Spirit we praise you for the guidance that you give us.  We praise the trinity that is our strength, our refuge, and our peace.  In the name of the Blessed Trinity we pray.  Amen


Is it time to sing praises to God?  Are you ready to accept the love that God freely gives?

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