
Monday, September 16, 2013

Jesus Cries

Verses: John 11 : 28 - 37

My thoughts about the verses:

Think a moment of this important scripture lesson.  Jesus Cries.  Imagine being so loved by Jesus that your very death brings tears to the Savior's eyes.  Jesus saw Mary with tears running down her eyes and felt great compassion.  He felt her agony.  He felt it just as much as she did.  He was Lazarus's friend and his Messiah.

Have you ever been to a funeral and seen people cry just because they feel the heartache you are feeling.  It reminds me of a funeral that happened here in Louisville.  People gathered because they loved this person with their heart.  They came and at different times they shed tears of both sadness and joy.  They knew the person had lived their life centered in God.  Yet, they felt pain not because she had passed on, but because they hurt.  They hurt because she was not going to be there to be a leader and a witness in their eyes.  Some people cried because they remembered the good times that would never happen again.  While others cried because they felt the pain the other church members were feeling. Hardly a dry eye was in the Church especially as her pictures flashed on the screen.  There were moments of laughs and there were moments of wails.  Yet, in the end we felt the crush of the heart because this was a changing of the guard.

Jesus cries when we suffer.  He picks us up and carries us when we are weak.  Jesus celebrates at our victories and walks with us when we are standing tall.  When a beloved child of God dies Jesus celebrates when they meet him in Heaven.  He also cries with those that are left to deal with the loss. We have a God full of compassion.  If God did not love us he would not have sent Jesus to die a brutal death on the tree.

He did not abandon Lazarus or his sisters.  In fact, Jesus did something with this family to show the world how powerful and compassionate he was.  You can imagine the people standing around Mary. They had heard about this great King that had come to free the people from tyranny.  Imagine the shock of suddenly seeing him crying because of the death of one man.  Those tears flowed not because of the fact that Lazarus had died and gone to join God in Heaven.  The tears flowed because his two sisters were hurting.  Jesus was crying out of compassion for them.  Lazarus's pain was gone he was no longer sick he had already passed to the other side.  What happened in that moment is that Jesus cried because his children were crying and were distraught.

This is something you always have to remember no matter what you are going through Jesus is there. If you have asked the Holy Spirit in your heart you have the compassion that you need.  You have the Eternal Flame living within you.  The gift of everlasting life is yours.  Next time you see someone who is sad.  Next time you hear of someone going through great trials show them compassion.  Give them an arm to cry on.  Allow the embrace to guard them from the pain.  Most of all give them the love that is within you.  You are someone’s Jesus every day.


Dear God we want to thank you for showing us your side of compassion.  Thank you for carrying us during our greatest trials.  Thank you for giving us people to share our life with.  Help us be someone’s Jesus today.


Do you need to ask God to enter your heart?  Are you afraid, sad, in pain?  If so have you let go so God can do the work that is needed?  Do you feel the loving arms of compassion carrying you?  Have you allowed yourself to be someone’s Jesus today?

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