
Friday, September 20, 2013

Lazarus must Die also

Verses: John 12 : 9 - 11

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever been in a situation when people get mad at you because of what your friends have done? Have you ever had to deal with people assuming you are one way because they know someone in your family?  I would guess that most of us have had one of these things happen to us.  People make judgment calls on how those in your group act.  If you have friends that are sweet people immediately expect that from you.  If you have friends or family members that do harm to Others then people feel you are just like them.  How else could you be with either type of person if you are not like them?

Lazarus loved Jesus with all his heart.  Jesus also loved Lazarus and his two sisters.  Jesus brought Lazarus back to life to show two important things.  One that Jesus had power over death. Secondly, Jesus wanted to show us all the immeasurable amount of love that he had for each one of us. Jesus did nothing wrong but show love and compassion.

Yet, here is the problem.  The church leaders were afraid of the power Jesus was gaining.  The fact that many had witnessed Lazarus rising from the grave made them angry.  People were starting to really believe that this man, Jesus, was the true Messiah.  They could not have this.  As long as Lazarus was alive it was a testimony of Jesus's healing power.  The leaders could not have this.  He had to go so that they could stop the uprising that they feared.

Isn't it interesting that the leaders were so worried about the power of Jesus that they wanted to take down other people he was connected with.  It makes sense when the disciples would soon run and hide. They knew how much their lives were in jeopardy because of their connection with Jesus.  This still occurs in the world today.  There are many countries where it is still a mortal danger to claim to be a Christian.  Hiding is sometimes the only way to live and there is something quite ominous having to live in fear.

I have experienced the fear of being something someone doesn't agree with.  I hear it from both groups that I belong in.  I am a very proud Christian who happens to be a Lesbian.  I hid the fact that I was gay for years.  I was a Christian and was taught that I couldn't be that way.  So around my Christian friends I hid the Lesbian side of me.  In the gay community I hid being a Christian.  They could not believe someone was Gay and a Christian.  They wondered how I could justify it because of the way they had been treated in the past by so called "Christians".

I learned the same thing that Lazarus learned.  It did not matter what people thought.  I was a Christian who just happened to be a Lesbian.  God had created me and loved me.  I did not care what others thought because I knew Jesus died for me.  The Holy Spirit was living within me.  Having a loving connection with God is nothing to be ashamed of.  There are times that you cannot share your identity. Yet, do not hide your identity from yourself.  Do not be ashamed of the creation God has made.  No matter what we are all different.  Be happy with yourself and you will achieve great things come.  Like Lazarus you can overcome huge obstacles, because you love Jesus.


Dear God we thank you for your gift of life.  We thank you for offering your most beloved as a sacrifice for us.  Dear God help us be proud of who we are.  Dear God be with us through our struggles.  Help us live the life that you desire us to have.  Dear God allow us to share your love with those that come along in our life.  Even in times that we cannot share our identity by name allow us to share our identity by actions.  In your precious name we pray.  Amen


What secrets are you keeping?  Are you sharing your identity and what God has done for you with others?   Are you living a true Christian life?  Are your actions those that are given to you from God? What do you need to do today to lead others to Christ?

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