
Monday, October 7, 2013

Jesus goes to the Cross in Peace

Verses: John 16 : 25 - 33

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever felt totally abandoned?  You are facing the worse moment of your life and there is no one there with you.  You look around hoping that someone will walk out of a shadow and take your hand.  You start praying because there is nothing left to do.  In that moment a peace fills you because you connect with the Holy Spirit that resides in you.  Then you are able to move forward with what is happening.

I believe that the disciples really loved Jesus.  They never thought that they would run and hide. They never thought that they would leave their teacher to die alone.  Yet, Jesus knew that they would run and scatter like grains of wheat.  Each going to their own place, because they would be deathly afraid.

Here is where I think we miss the point that Jesus was trying to make in this part of the scripture. Jesus knew that he had been in God's presence his entire time on Earth.  in all reality he was never alone.  Even the 40 days he fasted and was tempted by the devil he was surrounded by God.

What I see him telling the disciples is that they would feel abandoned.  Think about this a moment. Many of the disciples had followed John's teaching and left John to follow the Messiah.  They had eaten with Jesus saw Jesus's miracles.  They had seen many miracles that Jesus had performed. How were they to continue this?  They at this point had actually performed the miracles.

Jesus was preparing them to put their trust in God.  The truth is we should never think we are alone.  Jesus walks with us through all the storms of life.  Just like God was with Jesus as he was facing his toughest battles.  The same thing happens for each one of us.  As long as we center our lives in Christ we will always have the peace we need.  We need to follow the example that Christ set as he was facing death without fear.  He knew he had already conquered the death before it happened.  God was with him even if those that he chose as disciples hid.


Dear God thank you for giving us the strength to do all things.  Thank you for helping us and never leaving us alone.  We ask that you surround us with your spirit of peace.  May we feel your endless love.  Dear God help us turn over our cares to you.  In your name we pray.  Amen


Have you let the storms of your life weigh heavy on you?  Have you ever felt alone?  Have you asked God to come into your life?  Are you willing to accept the peace that God gives freely?

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