
Friday, October 11, 2013

The Arrest

Verses: John 18 : 1 - 11

My thoughts about the verses:

John presents the arrest of Jesus differently than does the other Gospels.  To understand this difference you have to first understand the reason this book was written.  The book is written for believers who were Gentiles and for nonbelievers. The fact is that there were two lessons that were being taught.  first, is accepting the free will that Jesus had concerning his death.  Secondly, that he loves and protects all his believers.

Jesus's death is a freewill decision.  Let's start with the biggest difference in this take of the arrest of Jesus.  Judas does not deliver the kiss. Judas does bring the guards to the garden.  So he does fulfill the task of betraying Jesus.  Yet, Jesus gives himself to the guards.  He is offering himself without hesitation.  Isn't this a wonderful thought.  Jesus did not go to his death fighting instead he was going with respect and dignity.  He was walking forward in faith to glorify God.

I have said this before I feel sorry for Judas.  Someone close to Jesus had to be the betrayer because it would have taken that much trust for the officials to find him.  Yet, according to this gospel Jesus spares Judas from having to turn him over with a kiss.  The betrayal was a key point to the overall story.  Yet, the main underlining thing is that Jesus even though betrayed did not have to go freely. Jesus could have called on the Angels in that very instant and be safe.  The fact is that Jesus gave his life for us on his own freewill.

Peter pulls his sword to fight. Jesus simply tells him to put it up.  That he must go with the guards.  He was worried that this action would set off the priests and that they would strike out at his followers.  he was also letting the disciples know that he had to do this.  That he had no other option that he was walking down this path to fulfill all the prophecies that had been written.  His death as the sacrificial lamb was needed as much for the disciples as it is for us.  The cup would not be bitter as long as the story was able to get out.  That the one who died was freely giving of himself for all who followed.  this was an action that no man could do unless they were one with God.

Jesus loves us so much that his concern is not for himself but his followers.  He asked the guards to take him and not hurt his followers.  He had already prayed to God that they would be protected when his time on Earth was through.  Yet, at this moment he fulfills his promise of love by protecting those that were with them.  The Jewish leaders could have destroyed this whole "uprising", as they saw it, by killing the disciples.  Instead Jesus offers himself freely so that they may be left to share their story.  I know if I was there this would totally humble me.

As I was writing this today my mind slipped away to the school shooting in Newtown Connecticut. There are numerous accounts of teachers and other adults risking their life to save the children. These adults loved the kids in their classes.  They felt that their role in life was to not only teach the children but ensure they had great lives.  You can imagine the thoughts running through their heads as they hear gunshots going off.  There you are with young children who haven't had a chance to live.  What would you do?

I believe that this is exactly how Jesus felt.  He knew that he would perish but was doing it to save his beloved followers.  He was willing to sacrifice himself so that others could live.  He didn't want the followers to be hurt.  He told Peter to stop so that he would not perish and so that he could spread the good news.  The sacrifice was the only option. Yet, he did it so that the whole world would not perish.

When we think back to the teachers they did it because they were given a job to protect and educate the children in their care.  They did what they were trained to do.   you only need to look at other situations involving shootings at schools.  Teachers have jumped in to save the lives of the ones under their care.

If humans would be so willing to do this how come we cannot understand how Jesus would be willing to give up his own life.  We need to understand that the greatest teacher did it at a time when he could be safe.  Jesus did not have to sacrifice his life.  He could run and flee and no one could have found him.  Yet, what Jesus did was freely walk into the line of fire. Jesus gave his life so that we may live. Everlasting life is the ultimate gift giving freely  to protect us from our own faults.

Dear God we thank you for giving us Everlasting life.  Jesus we thank you for giving of yourself freely.  We thank you for everything that you have done in our life.  We ask you to help us share your good news.  Help us understand the true meaning of your sacrifice.  Dear God help us show others the love that you have shown us.  In the name of Our Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


What would you do to protect your loved ones?  What would you do to help strangers?  Have you been someone’s Jesus today?

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