
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

God protects those that follow the ways of Jesus

Verses: John 17  : 6 - 19

My thoughts about the verses:

Think back to the worse situation you have ever been in.  We all have one in which we thought this is the end.  I am not going to make it out of this.  What was the first thing that you did.  I would guess if you, think like I do, you started pleading with God to save you.  You ask God to get you out of this situation.  The fact is that you probably bargained with God to take it away promising things that you have long forgotten.

Jesus when his time was at an end he did pray to God for himself.  Yet, as we discussed yesterday he prayed that God would use his death to Glorify the creator.  Now think on this a moment Jesus knew that this was the worst fear that we as humans face.  The majority of people are afraid of their own death.  Yet, Jesus prayed that his death would bring Glory to God.

Let us look at the majority of his prayer.  It wasn't about him or the world as a whole.  It concentrated on his beloved followers.  He knew that they would suffer much.  He was more worried about their life once he left than the death he was facing.  Is this not true love?
Jesus wanted more than anything for us to be happy.   Jesus tells the Creator that the reason he is praying for us is because of this desire.  Even though we would go through hard times he wanted it known that we wanted us to be safe and happy.  That we would understand even though the world would hate the followers God could give them peace.

When you are going through the rough patches of your life we have the grace of God living with us.  We are safe because God is with us helping us get through all the bad things in life.  We do not have to worry about falling apart and not making it.  Instead we have a shield of protection around us that will keep us safe.  It doesn't mean our life will be full of roses without thorns.  Yet through our struggles of life God will be protecting us.  God will carry us through those rough times.  The creator will also celebrate with us when things are going good.

Now that we have God protecting us the next step is to serve willingly.  We have been taught all we need by Jesus's example.  Now we need to take on the role of servant for the world.  We need to spread the story of truth to the entire world.  We need to concentrate on sharing the gift that has been giving freely to us.  For God did not leave us in the world to hide.  God lives with us so that we can share the news of the joy that we have received.


Dear God we thank you for the peace that you give us.  We thank you for protecting us.  We praise you for helping us carry the weight of our burdens.  We ask that you help us face the obstacles that are put in our path.   May you give us the strength to spread  your word.  May we find the happiness that Jesus prayed for.  In the name of the Risen savior we pray.  Amen.


Are you spreading the truth to the world?  Are you finding the roses among the thorns?  Have you given your life to God?  What do you need to give over to the Holy Spirit to live a life of peace?

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