
Monday, February 24, 2014

The Need to Repent

Verses: Luke 11 : 29 -32

My thoughts about the verses:

I read this and immediately go to that moment where God sends Jonah to Nineveh.  Instead of going to Nineveh he runs away in the other direction.  God redirects him and gets him to Nineveh with a little help of a fish.

Jonah was afraid that he would be ridiculed or even killed in Nineveh.  The city was unruly and did not believe in  the power of God.  Yet, instead of the response that he was expected the leaders accepted Jonah.  They repented from their sins and trespasses.  They also grew closer to God.  Their whole city changed because they understood the power and forgiveness of God.

I can only imagine the people hearing this story.  Jesus was telling them that they were like the people of Nineveh.  Yet, they were not listening to the warning that was been told to them.  They were only hearing what they wanted to hear and not accepting that Jesus was there to save them.

Just like Jonah and warned the city of Nineveh Jesus was preparing us a way to be saved.  The only true way to be saved is to build a relationship with God.  Putting your trust in a loving and forgiving God. Outside of these you are leaving yourself open for judgment.  Think on this thought for a moment. If God loved one city enough to send a prophet so that they could turn from their evil way would that not is so for us.

Jesus also points out that the situation is much different.  Jonah was nothing more than a mere man that reluctantly told the warnings that God had sent him to tell.  Yet, on the other hand Jesus was a willing spirit ready to perish so that we could be truly free.  This in itself makes the concept much bigger than what happened in Nineveh.  If you are willing to see Jesus as the saving grace then you are made free. Yet if you hold onto your beliefs and not follow God you are setting up yourself to be judged.


Dear God we thank you for loving us when we were tarnished.  We thank you for sending Jesus so that our transgressions may be erased forever.  Help us dear Savior walk closer to you.  Help us go out into the world telling your story.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you accepted Jesus in your life?  Have you repented for the transgressions that have separated you from the freedom that God so freely gives?  What can you do to help others find a way to connect with the love and grace that God wants for all people?

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