
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Your treasure is where your heart is

Verses: Luke 12 : 22 - 34

My thoughts about the verses:

God will provide.  This is a very hard concept for many of us to take at heart.  We accept that God can do things, but we believe that God cannot do all things.  The problem is that we have a hard time allowing God to have complete control of our well-being.  We pick and choose when we ask God into our life.  We limit God's power by the way we respond to the miracles that happen in our life.

We have to take into consideration that God provides all nutrients that we need.  We are as worthy as the bird that doesn't have a way of storing up a food supply.  Yet, when it is hungry God provides what it needs.  We have to realize that God not only provides the food our body needs but the spiritual nutrients that we need to grow and become the people God wants us to be.

We have to understand that God provides our shelter.  Think about this moments when an animal needs a safe place to sleep and live God provides them shelter.  If God is so caring for any animal does it not make sense that God will do that for us also.  Yet, the shelter provided goes beyond our human needs but our eternal needs.  God knows that there will come a time when we pass from this world to the next.  When that time comes God has provided us the greatest shelter as long as we are willing to accept the gift that is freely given.

God not only provide our earthly needs but also our spiritual needs.  God will provide peace and comfort.  God will provide healing and security.  God does not leave us alone in our times of need.  If we fully focus on God our needs will be met.  God knows where are treasures are stored.  If we focus on God then we are putting our treasures in Heaven.  If we focus on Earthly needs we are putting our treasures in Earth.


Dear God we thank you for the endless love that you show us.  Thank you for providing all of our daily needs.  Thank you for providing all of our spiritual needs.  Help us to keep our heart focused on you. Help us store our treasures in Heaven not in Earthly goods.  In the name of the Most High we pray. Amen


Where are your treasures stored?  Are you focusing on God?  Are you willing to accept that God can provide all your needs?

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