
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Where do You Store Your Treasures?

Verses:  Matthew 6:19-21

My thoughts about the verses:

Where do You Store Your Treasures?  Many of us hear this and we immediately go to our money and other things we own.  We hear that treasures stored in the world will rust and moths will consume.  With these words we immediately think that Jesus was saying give your treasures that you own to God and do not keep them for yourself. 

Yet, we need to dive deeper into the word treasures.  There are the treasures that you collect in the things that you do in this world.  Examples of these treasures are money, cars, clothes, and houses.  The other types of treasures are things of the spirit that lives within you.  Examples of these treasures are love, peace, and happiness.  The first types of treasures are things of the world the second are treasures of the Spirit.

So does this mean that we must sacrifice and live without the needs of the world?  The answer is no.  Simply put God doesn’t desire for us to live in a poverty state of mind.  We have to believe that God desires for us to be happy and provide what we need to live a successful life. 

Then the question then becomes what God means by storing treasures in Heavenly things instead of worldly things.  It is our focus that God is talking about.  If you spend all your time focused on collecting things of the Earth you spend less time focusing on the things that feed our Spirit.  You have to remember that it is our focus that Jesus is talking about.

How do we then focus on things of the Spirit and still meet the needs that we need in this world?  The first thing that we can do is spend time in God’s word.  We can dedicate time each day in praying to God.  We can give back to God the things that God has given to us.  We can stand up against social injustice.

See it isn’t about living without instead it is the action of giving to God in a humble spirit.  I want to focus on social injustice for a second and how we can help in overcoming it.  We can feed those that are hungry.  We can clothe those that cannot meet their daily needs.  We can stand up against those that declare others are less than perfect. 

See when you do these things with humility you are actually focusing on God.  You are giving love to those that do not feel love.  God sees this as an action of storing your treasures in Heaven.  It is not hard to focus on God.  We can do it each day and when we do we will see that we start living a much more fulfilling life.


God of love and peace we praise you.  Jesus we thank you for the gift of eternal life.  We offer our lives to you.  Help us each day give our life to you.  Help us dear Lord Walk in this world with a heart that focuses on you.  In the name of the Most high we pray.  Amen


Are you storing your treasures in Earthly Goods or in Heavenly Goods?  Are you willing to focus your life in communing with God?  What do you need to do today to grow closer to God?

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