
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Do you Judge Others?

Verses:  Matthew 7:1-5

My thoughts about the verses:

It is so easy to criticize others.  We can see their flaws.  We often share what we see wrong with them.  We judge them because they are not living a Holy life.

Yet, do we judge ourselves.  Do we look at our own life and see what we are doing that is not holy?  Are we willing to admit that we have our own faults? 

These questions are much harder to answer.  We look at our lives and say that we do live a Holier life than other people.  We think that we do better than others.  It is harder to criticize our faults than it is others.  We do not want to admit that we have faults.

Yet, this is exactly what we need to do.  Instead of judging others we need to look at our own lives.  Are there things that we need to change in our own life?  Are we live fully in the light of the Lord?  Have we fallen into our old ways?

One sign that you are living outside God’s will is when you do judge others.  How ironic that the one sign that we miss is when we consider others are less than worthy of God’s love.  We need to think to ourselves are we judging without looking at our own lives.  Many times we will see that we need to fix something in our own life.

Amazingly what we often see as a major issue in other people’s lives we miss the major issue in our own life.  We have to fix our faults before we can ever try to help others.  Noticed it isn’t judging other faults.  It is actually helping others overcome the things that are leading them from God.  Yet, if we do not fix our own short fallings we can never help others overcome theirs. 

Remember that as you judge others they are also judging you.  They are seeing all the things that you have done.  Instead of taking your advice as a helpful situation they see it as sharp criticism.  In fact they see it as a stab in the back because they see the things that you need to change.

We have to come to the point that we work with others.  Instead of judging others we need to look at our own lives and fix what we need fixed in our own life.  We need to turn away from judging.  There is only one Judge of the World.  Jesus is the only one that can judge us. 


We praise you God for your love.  We thank you for always being there with us in our life.  We praise you for your guidance in our life.  Help us to not judge others.  Help us look at our own lives and change the things that we do that fall short of your glory.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Are you living a life that you are proud of?  Are you evaluating what you need to change in your life to walk closer to God?  Are you judging others?  What do you need to change today to make your life closer in line with the will of God?

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