
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fasting is a Communion with You and God Alone

Verses:  Matthew 6:16-18

My thoughts about the verses:

The first question is what is fasting.  Fasting is a time when we give up food to help us get centered in Christ.  We fast so that we can take away things that may separate us from God.  Fasting is not only a time of physical experience but a spiritual experience.  While you are fasting you also go to God in prayer. 

Many people fast during different times of the year.  During Lent many people fast to make a connection with God.  Sometimes the fasting comes in giving up certain items.  While at other times people will fast during a certain time of the day.  Fasting in this manner is showing God that you love and cherish the one that has created you.  It is also a way of asking for atonement for the sins that you have committed.  Again it is so important during this time that the person who is fasting prays to God for guidance.

The problem arises when we decide that we need to share our fasting experience with others.  Instead of communing with God we want others to see that we are fasting.  We flaunt our fasting so that others can see us as Good Christians.

Yet, Jesus makes it very clear our fasting should be something that is only between us and God.  When you want others to recognize that you are fasting you miss the whole point of why you are trying to fast in the first place.  You get to the point that you want others to praise you for your loyal devotion to God. 

Yet, in reality it isn’t something that others need to praise us for.  We are to go to this communion with the thought of praise and devotion to God and God alone.  We are to come in humbleness and allow our body, mind and spirit to connect with the one that has given us new life.

Jesus makes it very clear that our outer appearance should not show to others that we are fasting.  We should not walk around proclaiming that we are fasting.  Instead, we are to treat this time as we would any other time.  It isn’t about giving up things instead it is about receiving things. 

You may be saying to yourself if I am fasting how can I receive anything.  Am I not giving this time up to God to show my devotion?  Yet, we need to remember that it is during these times that we receive our greatest blessings.  Fasting is a time of direct dedication to listening and being centered on God leads to a better understanding of what God desires of our lives.  When we fast we are allowing God to come in our presence and shower us with the gifts that we need in our lives.

The next time that you are fasting look at it in a new view.  Remember that you can never give up as much as Jesus did on the cross.  You will never be able to fast enough to win your way to Heaven.  Once you come to realize this than you can accept that fasting is just a small gesture of giving yourself to God.  When you do this God will reward you in a way that you never thought possible.


O Holy God we thank you for your love.  We thank you for your sacrifice.  We praise you for being in our lives day and night.  Help us go to you in humbleness.  Guide us as we turn our lives fully over to you.  Help us to remember that it is not about what we give to you but what you have and will give to us.  In the name of the Provider we pray.  Amen


Are you fasting so that you can show others how good a Christian you are?  Do you keep your fasting in secret?  Have you accepted that you can never give up as much as God has given up for you?  Are you willing to accept the blessings God has already has given you and desires to continue giving you?

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