
Sunday, April 5, 2015

The More You Learn; the More You Want to Learn

Verses:  Ecclesiastes 1:12-18

My thoughts about the verses:

Think back to when you were in your favorite school in class.  The more you learned about the subject the more you wanted to know.  The cycle seemed to get bigger and bigger until you come to find that it is consuming large amounts of your time.  In the end you discover that no matter how much time you put in learning about the subject you will never learn it all.

I compare this to what we can learn from studying the Bible.  I for one started reading and learning about the Bible as a young kid.  I went to Church as often as I could go.  I wanted to be submerged in the Gospel.  I even went to Baptist College thinking that one day that I would be a Pastor. 

Every day that I read the Bible I learn something new.  I learn new discoveries and realize that if I spent every waking hour the rest of my life on learning about God I would never know everything.  Instead I would discover that there is so only so much that can be revealed to one person throughout their lifetime.

The more that you learn about God the more in awe you become.  You come to understand all the majesty that God possesses.  You come to understand that God provided a plan for eternal life.  God created us out of Love and still loves us.  You come to see that all is perfect in the eyes of the Creator of all.

There is a difference though when you spend your time studying about God and spending time on things of this world.  When you are concentrating on learning about God your life is filled with hope and peace.  When you concentrate on learning about things of the world your life is filled with sorrow and despair.  What we have to come to understand is that the world will fill us with burden while God will fill us with comfort.

Think about all those people that spend their whole life studying about how to make it in this world.  They are so busy trying to learn what they need to do that they let life slip them by.  They miss out on simple pleasures and joyful moments because they are trying to advance in status.  They are working so hard on having what the person next door has that they miss what they have.

See you can study yourself into fits of sorrow.  You can come to a time in your life when you look back and say what was it all for?  What did I get out of life?  See we find that we can never learn everything that we need to be totally sufficient on our own.  No matter how much we try to get to the top, the top just gets taller and taller. 

What are you spending your time trying to learn?  Are you trying to learn how to do a different career?  Are you spending your time trying figure out how to pay the mounting bills?  Are you spending your time trying to figure out how to have the perfect relationship?  Are you spending your time on how to become the person other people think you should be?

No wonder so many of us are not happy with our life.  We have expectations that we can never meet about our own life.  We can never achieve everything that we think we need to achieve.  So we spend our life trying to learn to be something that we are not.  Our knowledge forces us to learn more because we know we don’t have exactly what we need.  Yet the more we learn the more we study.  In the end, we have spent our life wasting it trying to learn just is ourselves.  No wonder we are sad.

Yet, if you spend your life studying the word of God you will find.  That Jesus died for you.  Jesus died for your eternal blessing.  You find that you don’t have to work harder or be a better person to have a relationship with God.  You learn that your task is easy.  All you have to do to be the person God expects out of you is to love God. 

The more you learn about your relationship with God the more hope you have in life.  The more you learn about the grace of God the more peace you have in your life.  The more you learn about the Love of God the more love you have in your life.  The more you learn about the acceptance of God the more you love yourself.  Because in all these things you will see that God doesn’t want you to be more than what you are.  God is happy with you being who you are.  God will love you where you are.  God will walk by your side all the time.  God will carry you when the times are too hard.

When you worry about learning about the world your life ends in distress and sorrow.  When you spend your life learning about God your life is hope, peace and love.


God we thank you for your love.  We thank you God for the wisdom that you give us.  Help us accept that we do not have to be anything that we are not to have you in our life.  Help us learn about you and your grace.  Help us stop worrying about learning about the world and spend the time learning of your love.  In the name of the Risen One we pray.  Amen


What are you spending your time trying to learn about?  Have you accepted the gift of love from God?  Are you stressed out trying to learn how to make it in this world?  Do you need to spend more time coming to learn about your Savior?  What do you need to do to make your life full of hope, peace and love?

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