
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Nothing New Under the Sun

Verses:  Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

My thoughts about the verses:

You may be asking the question, nothing new under the sun?  This has to be a crazy thought to think nothing new has happened on the Earth.  We have seen new medicines be created and discovered.  We have seen the invention of cars, planes, and computers.  We have seen and learned so many new things from the time that these verses were written.  So how could there be nothing new under the sun?

Think on this a moment about the lessons you have been taught throughout your life.  Aren’t there ones that you listened to more carefully to than others?  Are there ones that you accepted at face value and others you questioned?  Are there not things that you did in your life that you wish you hadn’t?  Are there stories that you want others to learn so they don’t have to go through the same things that you did.

The writer, most likely King Solomon, was saying is that nothing new happens.  The person is born.  They are taught lessons from the people that raise them.   They choose what they want to hear and what they think is foolish.  They then spend the majority of their life learning their own way.  Only to wish they had listened and done things differently. 

The world keeps turning, new lives born every day.  There are new lessons to be learned and passed on.  Yet, who remembers the stories of old and truly live on them.  How many will hear our stories and pass them on to the next generation?  How many of our past challenges really live to help others.  See Solomon was right when he said there is nothing new under the sun.  He knew more than anyone that people would make the same mistakes as generations past.  It is through these mistakes that we are able to grow up and be the people that we are. 

The thing that we need to learn more than anything else is that God Loves You.  God Created You Just The Way You Are.  God will Love You no matter what happens in your life.  God will be there walking by your side forever.  God only asks for your Love back. 

If we can learn this then we will come to see that there is Nothing New Under the Sun.  The Love of God was there when God Created the World.  The Love of God was there for our ancestors.  God’s Love is there with us today.  God’s love will be there for those to come.

God’s love never changes.  God’s love is there for us and lives within us if we only will acknowledge that love.  Yet, so many times we are like others that have thought that God doesn’t love me because this or that reason.  Yet, what we miss is that God doesn’t pick and choose who receives the gift of love.  It is we who pick and choose if we will accept the love.


God we thank you for your love.  We thank you for loving us for who we are.  We thank you for teaching us about love.  Help us accept the love you offer.  Help us share that love with those that we come in contact with.  Dear God we ask that this be a lesson that people will learn and live with the most perfect love in their life forever.  In the name of the Loving Creator we pray.  Amen


God is waiting, for you to accept the truth about the gift of God’s Love.  Are you ready to accept that God Loves you just the way you are?  God only wants to bless your life with Love.  Are you willing to accept those blessings that God wants to give to you?  God shared the gift of Love to all generations in the past.  Will you today accept the Gift of Love that has been shared to you?  God will share the gift of Love to all those to come.  Will you share the story of God’s Love to others?

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