
Friday, April 3, 2015

The Armour of God

Verses:  Ephesians 6: 10-24
My thoughts about the verses:

It is not this Earth or people of this Earth that we battle against.  It is the inward battle of sin that we battle against.  We fight with things that tempt us to do wrong.  We struggle with the things that we did before we accepted God. 

Our Spirit wants us to live in our new life.  The only way to protect our self against these things is to put on the Armour of God.  The armour prepares us for the battle that we face each and every day.  Each piece of the armour is an element of truth that we can use to fight against the sin we face. 

The first piece of Armour we must put on is truth.  We must know that Jesus is the Messiah.  We need to know that God loves us and created us to be the people we are.  We need to know that the Holy Spirit lives within us and helps us understand the difference between truth and falsehood.  If you know these things then you know the truth which is God.

Next you must put on righteousness.  This piece is important because it Guards your heart.  Righteousness is a gift that comes from God.  It is a blessing that we are given we are born again in Christ.  Righteousness helps us every day live life to the glory of God.

Next you must put on the gospel of peace.  It is amazing when you think of this.  If you have the gospel of peace as our foundation you have an inner strength to fight the principalities of the world.  You are filled with the fact that Jesus came to Earth, Died on the Cross, and Arose from the Grave so you may have peace.  When you accept Jesus as your savior the two things that you have that the world craves is inner peace and hope.  When you let this be your foundation you will be stronger when things come against you because you know that you are protected by the peace of God.

Next you must put on faith.  Faith knows without seeing.  It is the knowledge that God is with you in all the moments of life.  When you have faith you know that no matter what comes against you God is there protecting you.  The strength of your faith will help you get through the toughest times of your life.  Faith is the protector that allows you to say no to sin and no God is there helping you.

Next you must put on salvation.  Without the precious gift of salvation you have no way of winning the battle of sin.  Even when you put on the other pieces of the armour and do not put this on you are still fighting the battle without the full strength of God.  You need to ask Jesus in your life and turn yourself completely over to God.  When you have salvation you have the knowledge that no matter what happens here on this Earth you have a place in the Realm of God.  It is the gift that we put on and do not have to worry about ever losing.  It is an essential part of the armour that you are freely given by Jesus just by accepting it. 

Lastly you must have the Spirit of God.  Essentially your best weapon is the knowledge and understanding of the Word of God.  This is the sword that you can use in defense of evil.  Think about that moment that Jesus was in the desert.  When he was telling the Devil the words of God he was using the sword of the spirit.  God will give you the knowledge that you need to fight your battle.  Yet, this piece involves you taking the time to learn more about God.  Not just the top of the waters but to go deep down inside.  The more you study the More you will find strength and the battles becoming less because you have the answers and know what you are supposed to do.

Pray that God helps you each and every day.  Thank God for all that you have been given.  Praise God for the mystery which is salvation.  Thank God for the gift of peace and hope.  In the end thank God for helping you fight the battle against sin that you can never win without God in your life.


We praise you God for always being with us.  Thank you for saving us and giving us hope and peace.  Thank you for always walking with us.  We ask that you guide us through all things.  Help us fight the battle of sin.  In the name of the Holy God we pray.  Amen


Do you have all the pieces of armour that you need to battle sin?  What piece do you need to add?  What piece do you need to work more on so that it can be stronger in your life?

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