
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Woe to Those that Oppress

Verses:  Ecclesiastes 4:1-8

My thoughts about the verses:

As we read this we see that those that are oppressed deal with much grief.  They suffer from the hands of people.  They are oppressed by the governments.  They deal with the consequences of a system that restricts their freedom.

This is important for us to read today.  We first need to know that those that are oppressed are not the ones that are at fault.  They are victims of those that have power.  They are victims of those that abuse their authority. 

Solomon says it best when he says it is better for someone never to be born than to face oppression.  Being equal with your peers is essential.  Having governments respect you and create laws to protect you are essential.  Woe to those that oppress people. 

The majority of Americans have seen the news in the last few weeks.  People have decided that one group is less important than others.   People out of fear have decided that the GLBTIQA community is a threat to their existence.  They have irrationally come to the conclusion that we who are GLBTIQA are trying to change what they see as the “normal way of life.”

They are missing the fact that they are oppressing people that are just like them.  WE are just like everyone else.  We have the same occupations as the rest of the world.  WE live in the same communities as everyone else.  WE love just like everyone else.  WE mourn just like everyone else.  The only difference between US and the rest of the World is Who WE Love.

OUR love is not what WE are.  WE are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, aunts and uncles.  WE are teachers, lawyers, nurses, waitresses, bosses and owners of businesses.  WE are not a threat to anyone’s way of life.  WE only want to be treated equally.

WE don’t want special preferences.  WE just want the same rights as everyone else.  WE want to marry, adopt, and live a happy normal life.  WE want to be able to live without fear of being hurt.  WE want to be able to love and have families.

Yet, what we have seen is that people still do not understand GLBTIQA.  They think that WE are trying to get things that WE do not deserve.  The government has created laws that allow people to discriminate.  The system has oppressed a part of the society because of misunderstanding.

There has been some progress that has allowed people to start having equal rights.  Yet, the laws do not expand everywhere.  I live in Kentucky a state that doesn’t allow me to marry.  I live in a state that doesn’t have equal rights protection.  I live in a state where people do not understand that they are actually allowing others to be oppressed.

We have to all agree to stop oppression.  It doesn’t matter what group we are limiting rights we need to allow them equality.  We have to speak out so those in positions can stop making laws that hurt others.  We have to stand up and say enough is enough.

Those that choose to continue oppressing others are bringing woe on themselves.   They are not living the will of God.  They are not bringing peace to the world.  Instead of following God they are working against God.

It is very hard for us to understand that each one of us has an influence on society.  We can choose to allow rules to be passed that hurt others.  We can choose to treat people different.  We can choose to judge others. We can choose to follow Gods will.

When we follow God our society will change.  We will find that people can all live together in peace.  We will discover that equality is not a privilege but a right.  We will learn that we are the vessel of peace and equality.  We are able to change the world so that no one faces oppression.
It is all up to each and every one of us to make this change.  We have to stop oppressing people that are different from us.  We have to demand a change of laws.  We have to make sure that people of all races, religions, sexual orientation and abilities are treated the same.  We need to change our way of thinking so that we can change the world.


Dear God we thank you for loving us all.  We thank you for loving us the way you created us.  We ask that you help us change our way of thinking.  Help us accept people the way you have created them.  Help us treat people equally.  In the name of the Creator we pray.  Amen


Are you treating people fairly?  Are you accepting that people are all the same?  Are you choosing to follow God?  Are you choosing to oppress people who are different from you?  What do you need to change about the way you are living so all can be treated equally?

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