
Saturday, November 1, 2014

We Will All Die a Mortals Death

Verses: Psalms 82: 1 - 8

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Don’t we all know people that think they are better than others?  They walk with their heads held high thinking that they deserve great things.  They pass judgment on others because they feel that they are living right in the eyes of God.  They feel as if nothing that they do is outside the commands of the law.

In reality, what they are missing is that they are also sinners.  They try to win favor in God’s eyes by attempting to live in the guidelines of law.  They judge others because they believe that the other person is doing something that they feel is an abomination of God.

Are we all not guilty of this in some way or another?  Don’t we judge others based on our own interpretation of the Bible?  See what we missed in the process of the above example is that we were judging these people.  It sounds crazy to make us think of someone else so that we can look at our own flaws.

God wants us to know that we have all sinned against each other.  We have all come short of achieving a perfect life.  We all have shortcomings and need to look at what God is saying in this psalm.  We will all die a mortal death.
Ironically, the people that are judged become the judges.  Each person in their own way chooses to look down on someone else’s life as not being perfect.  We feel that we are one step above the other person.  We feel that our errors are not as bad as others. 

We miss that we are not to judge. The only one that can judge us is our God who made us.  We have to change the way we interact with others.  We need to learn that we are all in the same boat.  None of us have lived without imperfections.

God gave us the Messiah to clean us from our imperfections.  God gave those that judge us the same Messiah.  God gave those that we judge the same Messiah.  It is through the Messiah that we are made perfect. 


We thank you God for sending the Messiah to love us.  We worship you Dear God for the love that you give us daily.  Help us not to judge others.  Help us to turn our lives over to you.  Help us be the people that show love to others.  In the name of the Holy One we pray.  Amen


Have you judged others?  Have you accepted Jesus into your life?  Do you realize the need for Jesus in your life today?

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