
Monday, October 27, 2014

Reflect on the Things God has done and Behold the things God is doing

Verses: Psalms 77: 1 - 20

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Have you ever found yourself in that place where you think that God is not near?  Those moments in which you allow the struggles of the world become the focal point of your life.  Those times when you thought that God has abandoned you because the struggles seem impossible to overcome.

Then all of a sudden you remember the things that have happened in the past.  The times that Jesus has gotten you through hard struggles.  The moments in which God made sure you made it to the other side.  The times that you felt close to God because you saw the work of God in your life.

We have all been there at one time or another.  We all live in moments in which we think I will not make it through my current struggle.  It seems so big that nothing can help you overcome it.  Then you find an answer.  God reveals the love that you needed and you are able to get to the other side.

It is like that over and over in our life.  We praise God for the things that have happen.  Yet, at the same time we fear that this is too hard for even God to fix.  We worry that our battle will be lost.  We praise God for the past yet, cannot turn over the future.

God wants us to look at our past and be reminded that God has gotten us through what we thought was impossible.  We need to look at our lives and know that God is always there helping us.  We need to remember the past to help us overcome the things of today.

If you remember the multitude of things god has done in your life you are able to let go of the struggles of today.  By remembering the times of struggle you are able to see that nothing is impossible for God.  We will overcome what is happening in our current situation because will help us.

Imagine what would happen in your life if you remembered the good things that God has done when you are struggling.  Would not the weight be lifted from your shoulders?  We have all gone through struggles in the past that we thought we would not make it through.  Yet, miraculously God got us to where we are now.  Nothing is impossible for God to fix. 

The next time you are struggling remember your past.  Let go of the fear that what you are facing today is impossible to overcome.  Allow God to do the work that needs to be done in your life.  Let go of your worries and offer praises up to God for getting you to where you are today.  You will soon find that the problems come smaller in your minds eyes because you allow God to become first.


We praise you God for all the things you have done in our life.  We praise you for getting us through struggles that we thought were impossible to overcome.  Help us today God put you fist in our life.  Help us overcome the struggles we face daily so that we may be in stronger communion with you.  In the name of the Most High we pray.  Amen


Are you stressed with current situations?  Do they seem impossible to overcome?  Have you given your struggles over to God?  Look back on your life and remember what God has gotten you through.  Now isn’t God able to get you through todays struggle?

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