
Friday, October 31, 2014

Why have we Turned Away from God

Verses: Psalms 81: 1 - 16

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Why have we turned away from God?  This may seem like one of the hardest questions to answer.  We can have all the grace and abundance we need by trusting God.  Yet, we choose to turn away from God.  We know what we can have yet we often do our own thing without concentrating on serving God.

One answer may be that we do not feel that we are worthy enough for God wants to give us.  We have been so marginalized in society that we cine to the conclusion that we are not worthy of grace.  We feel like we deserve the scraps of the field instead of the abundant harvest.

We may also believe that we as Christians should show sacrifice.  Meaning simply that by not accepting the abundance that God has to offer we are showing the world that we are humble.  Yet, in reality this is our ego stepping in and trying to play God.  We decide what will show humbleness instead of just being humble. 

We may feel that God has more important matters than our own stability.  Think about how many times we pray for someone else and think that they are worse off than we are.  We conclude that they need the grace and peace of God.  Whereas we believe that because we are not in their situation we are doing well on our own.  Is this not yet another act of choosing our way without turning ourselves over to God for help?

People have this tendency to justify their actions.  We feel that we are doing what God wants without asking God if this is true.  Instead of relying on God for our needs we scrape by with the little things because we don’t want to bother our God.  Isn’t it ironic how much we choose to do without including God.  Had you ever thought about that before?

I know that we all go through daily struggles and we all have times that seem like they are impossible to overcome.  In those moments we turn to God and ask why you have let this happen.  We feel in those moments that God has left us.  What we don’t recall is that we got in that situation by truing to handle stuff on our own.

God wants us all to receive the abundance of grace.  Yet, it is our choice if we accept that gift freely.  Do we justify that what is going on in our life shows how much we trust God?  Do we feel that we are not worthy enough for God to care about just us?

The one that sent the beloved Son will help you.  Yet, it is now up to you to turn over your struggles to the Most High.  God wants us to turn it over to the one who made us.  Yet, do we truly do this?  I know for me I can say that there are times that I thought I could do it on my own.  Yet, I find that when I ask God for help the problem resolves quickly.  When I try to do it on my own I often find that I am never really where I need to be in my life. 


We thank you God for loving us.  We praise you for wanting our life to be filled with abundance.  Help us turn over our problems to you.  Help us never to turn away from you.  In the name of the Messiah we pray.  Amen


Have we accepted the abundance that comes from loving our God?  Have you turned away from God?  Is it time to turn back to God and let God be in charge of your life?  What is needed for you today to understand that the Messiah loves you just the way you are?  That you are worthy enough for the abundance that God wants to give you? 

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