
Friday, September 19, 2014

Though Our Life may be short in the Eyes of God we must ask God for Forgiveness and Wisdom

Verses: Psalms 39: 1 - 13

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

Our life happens in a blink of an eye in God’s time.  It may seem like we have forever to live on this Earth.  Yet, if truth be known it is only seconds in the great scheme of things.  I know that I can feel my forty years.  Yet, for God that is a small amount of time when it comes to creation itself.

Think of it this way if you knew that today was your last day what would you do?  Many of us have a list of things that we would like to accomplish.  We would want to see our family and friends, take that trip we never got to take, jump out of a plane and the list keeps going on.  Yet, in this scenario you only have one day.  You and I both know it isn’t enough to do what all we feel we have missed out on.  So from this we can see how our lives are only having in a fraction of the time compared to all of creation.

I think back to my sister she only lived those few four days.  Yet, her life meant something to our family.  We often think about her.  We wonder what she would have been liked if she would have lived.  Yet, even though we are sad we know that she is living the great life now.  She joined God and the angels in Heaven.  She gained her wings and her spirt flew.  Her life was short here on Earth, but will last for an eternity in Heaven.
I also think about my great grandmother she lived to be 106 years old.  Imagine what all she saw.  Yet, even though she lived to be over a hundred years old it is only a small amount of time compared to eternity.  God lives in eternity or forever time.  Think on this and see no matter how long you live on earth be a few days or a hundred years it is a very small part of forever.

The next lesson we can learn from these scriptures is to be wise.  We need to be careful about what we say.  We need to ask God to help us be wise.  We should be aware that our words can harm others. 

There are times in our life that we will not speak wisely.  We will keep our mouths shut when we should speak the truth.  Other times we will speak and what comes out of our mouths is not truth.  We can also hurt people by saying things that could offend them or their friends. 

When we do step out of bounds we need to ask God for forgiveness.  When we refrain from speaking the truth we need to ask God to forgive us.  When we say mean and hateful words to others we should offer it up in prayers

Think about this for a moment have you ever been in a situation when you knew that falsehoods were been spoken.  You sensed that you were outnumbered.  Your fear and doubt began to take over.  Even though you knew what was being said was not true you kept quiet.  Thinking on that how many people was affected because you did not speak up for the truth.

It is important for us to speak the truth so others can learn that is nothing wrong with being who we are.  You never know when someone will overhear you that are having a hard time dealing with their life.  If you speak the truth you may give that person the freedom that they need.  I hope you have come to ask for forgiveness and the wisdom that you need.  I know that I have.


Dear God we thank you for loving us.  We thank you for caring for us even though we are just a small part of Creation.  We ask you to forgive us when we do not speak wisely.  Help us live within truth.  Help us never to use our words to hurt others.  Help us never to stay quiet when we need to speak the truth.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you ever kept quiet when you needed to speak the truth?  Have you ever been untruthful?  Do you realize that your time is small compared with the time of God?  Are you ready to ask for forgiveness today?  Are you ready to ask Jesus in your heart today?

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