
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thank God for all you have

Verses: Psalms  38: 1 - 22

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

I know many other suffer from illnesses.  Many of us feel threatened by people who dislike us.  We go through many fears and doubts.  Many of us that suffer from illnesses suffer with silent diseases.  Ones in which people cannot see but we feel and deal with.  Many of us who feel threatened by individuals again do it in silence because people do not understand.

While we are going through all of this we have to look at the positive things in our life.  This is hard to do without Jesus in our life.  It is important to understand that Jesus is our savior in all things.  People think that Jesus is a savior from the sins that they commit.  Yet, they miss that we have the strength of Jesus in our entire life.  Knowing this we need to thank God for all we have. 

If you think back to Jesus’s death on the cross we can learn a valuable lesson.  If you remember the march to the Golgotha Jesus falls.  He can no longer carry the burden of his cross.  The Roman soldiers grabbed a man and had him carry the cross to the mount.  There is something that we can take from this moment.  Jesus though weak was still forced to go to the mount.  Yet, he had helped carrying his cross. 

Now look at your own life.  When you have Jesus in your life you have the strongest person carrying your cross.  You are never alone because you have Jesus carrying the heavy load.  Imagine what your life would be like if you had to carry it all yourself.  Would you really be able to make it with everything that is happening in your life?

Those that do not have Jesus in their life have to deal with the burden all by their self.  They do not have any true help getting along with the things that they suffer from.  Their pain may not be more physical pain but spiritual pain.  Their spiritual pain comes because they do not have a savior in their life.

Therefore if you are a Christian rejoice.  Know that no matter what life is sending your way you have extra peace and strength.  God is there carrying you.  Though there may be times that you feel alone you need to remember that you are never alone.  The one that came to save the world is with you. 

I know that at different times I have gone through things that have seemed impossible to face.  Yet, even though it has seemed impossible I felt that I had a strength that came from deep inside me.  I realize that the strength that I felt was Jesus.  The impossible was made possible because Jesus was carrying the weight.  I look back and can only imagine how the problem would have really been like without Jesus. 

So the next time you are facing something in your life think on this a moment how would it feel like without Jesus.  Now is the time to thank Jesus for what has happened in your life.  You need to be thankful that Jesus is helping you with life’s struggles.  You need to praise god for the strength and peace that is given to you.


We thank you God for always walking with us.  Thank you for your presence in our life.  Thank you for helping us overcome the impossible.  We ask you dear Savior to give us peace of mind.  Help us remember that you are there when things seem hard to get over.  Help us have strength to get through all the rough patches of our life.  In the name of the Savior we pray.  Amen


Are you facing challenges that seem impossible?  Do you feel alone?  Have you accepted Jesus into your heart?  If you have asked Jesus in your heart isn’t today the day to thank him for the strength you have?  If you haven’t asked Jesus in your heart isn’t today the day you do?

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