
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Be Patient and Trust God

Verses: Psalms 37: 1 - 40

Song inspired by the chapter:  Song has been uploaded from and is not my original.

My thoughts about the verses:

The first thing that we have to do to be patient is to trust God.  We must come to the true understanding that God is there for us.  If we are accepting Jesus into our life we are actually putting our trust in God. 

Yet, we find it hard to put our trust in others.  We undergo so many disappointments.  We think about all those people that have disappointed us and how we do not want it to happen to us again.  Many of us have been hurt by the very people that are supposed to love and support us.

I watched a video today that reminded me of so many other stories.  A young man was verbally and physically attacked because he stepped out of the closet.  His family at first accepted him.  Then through peer pressure they turned on him.  Through his fear he recorded the event because he felt things didn’t just feel right.

I have seen so many people that are hurt by the ones that are to love them.  I can remember one of my closest friends and the shunning that the church put her through.  She loved the church and her father and mother were very active members.  Yet, as things would work out she got pregnant before getting married.  The church excluded her from some of the activities that she did because of this. 

Yet, here is where I want you to understand the difference between God and people.  People are fallible God is perfect.  God is the true judge yet, wants to judge us through rose covered glasses.  People cannot put on those glasses.  The glasses are created by the blood that flowed from Jesus’s body as he died on the cross to set us free.  God is able to look pass things that are on the surface to our inner soul.

It is important to point out that God will not fail us.  God will be there with us even when we try to run.  Jesus is the steadfast binder in our relationship with God.  God send Jesus therefor the binding begins and ends with God.  If we stay focused on what we should do we will receive great reward.  Know that God will provide our needs and be faithful to us if we have Jesus in our life.

It might seem that those that are doing things that are against God are getting rewards.  Yet, we need to know that those rewards are only here on Earth.  They will not receive the same reward for those that are Children of God.  They will receive the gift of everlasting life.  Therefor what we have to remember is since we have trust in God we need to have patience on our reward. 

We should continue to do our best to follow God in all the hard times.  We need to know that one day that our sacrifices on Earth will be rewarded.  That our patience will turn into great reward.  So the most important things that we need to do is put our trust in God.  Once that first step is taken and our trust in put in God we do not need to worry. 

We should do our best to serve God.  We should not judge ourselves or others instead we should wait patiently on the gift that God will give us.   Through our trust and patience in God we will receive the gift that God freely gives to all who will believe in the sacrifice of Jesus.


Thank you God for you steadfast love.  Thank you for helping us be patient people.  We praise you for showing us how to put our trust in you.  We ask that you help us to continue to serve us.  Help us trust you.  In the name of the Risen Savior we pray.  Amen


Have you placed your trust in Jesus?  Have you trusted the love of God?  Are you willing to wait patiently on the gifts of everlasting life?

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